Chapter 3

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"Dan, don't we need to film Undertale?" Phil peeked into the lounge where I was sitting while on my computer. I looked up from the bright screen to see his face. "Do we?" I never kept up with when we had to film things. Phil nodded and I groaned. He put his hand out towards me as I shut down my laptop. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me over to our desktop to film. I sat down in my chair and Phil sat next to me. He turned on our computer, set up the camera and microphones, and loaded Undertale. We did our introduction and Phil said his cheeky name for our fans. I always laughed at the silly names he comes up with. We started playing the game, character voices and all. The video took about three hours to film, but Phil was going to edit to about one hour so we didn't bore our fans with unimportant battles.

I leaned back in my chair as far as I could. I must've leaned back too far as the chair fell backwards with me in it. Phil asked if I was okay and I gave him a thumb's up. He immediately started laughing since I wasn't hurt. I started laughing with him as I stood up and sat my chair back up the right way. "You're so clumsy," Phil said with a laugh. "At least I don't explode flour bags," I defended myself. Phil pouted at me, "I didn't mean to! I just wanted to make you a nice breakfast!" I placed my hand on his arm, "I'm kidding, Phil." His pout let up and he started smiling at me. I leaned back in my chair again, more carefully this time. Phil just about jumped out of his, "We should play hide and seek!" I started laughing. "Phil, we aren't five!" He tossed his hands up in the air, "Oh come on, Dan. It'll be fun!" I stood up in defeat, "Fine, fine." Phil got excited and jumped up and down like a child. "You can hide first," I said and turned around so he could go off and hide. I heard the door shut and I started counting.

"Forty-nine, fifty. Alright, Phil. I'm coming for you." I said flatly. I heard a quiet chuckle from the other room, my bedroom, and I started towards it. "Oh boy. Where ever could Phillip be? How I miss him so," I said sarcastically. I heard another chuckled and peaked under my bed and saw Phil facing the other way. I smirked and tapped his shoulder. He jumped at my touch and hit his head on the bottom of the bed. I helped him out and he rubbed his forehead. "You made me hurt my head," He whined. I kissed his forehead, "That make it feel better?" Phil smiled, "Your turn to hide." I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and watched as he started counting. I rushed out of the room and into lounge. I managed to hide myself perfectly behind the couch. I heard Phil's footsteps and I let out a yawn. I heard him calling my name as if I would jump out at any minute when I heard it. I started to fall asleep in my hiding spot. I got myself into a more comfortable position and shut my eyes.

"Dan, Daaaaaaan. I give up." I faintly heard Phil calling from the room I was in. He sounded defeated so I sleepily pushed myself over the back of the couch. I tripped and landed perfectly on my side on the cushions. Phil chuckled and saw how tired I was. "Go change into pajamas and we can go to bed," He helped me to my feet and we walked into our separate rooms to change. I got under the comforters on my bed and was soon met by Phil's warm body next to me. I curled myself up next to him, wrapping my arm around his waist. Phil snuggled into me and started to fall asleep. "Good night, Dan," he yawned out. "Night, Phil," I said with another yawn. I soon felt his breathing slow down and I allowed myself to fall asleep as well.

I heard a crash and my eyes shot open. It was daylight outside. Phil was still in my arms, but now he was facing me. "What was that?" He whispered. I shrugged a bit awkwardly since I was on my side. "Go check it out," Phil said, just about shoving me off the bed. I pushed myself out of the bed and grabbed a pillow. It wasn't much protection, but it was all I had. I heard another crash followed by a "Shit!" I walked closer towards the noise, which seemed to be coming from the kitchen. I peeked my head in the doorway, clutching the pillow to my chest. "Louise?" I asked with slight confusion, letting my grip on the pillow loosen. "Oh hey, Dan! Did I wake you?" She smiled. I raised an eyebrow at her. She was fully dressed and holding one of our bowls, filled with cereal and milk. "Why are you here?" I stepped completely in the kitchen now. She sat the bowl down, "Matt is back at my place hanging out with Darcy so I thought I could come over here for a bit." I nodded slowly, "What time is it?" She thought for a moment, "It's noon."

"Phil wasn't in his room, did he go somewhere?" She asked, through mouthfuls of cereal. I tensed up a bit, "He uh-" As if on queue, Phil walked in. "Oh hey Louise!" Louise raised an eyebrow at the two of us. "Were you two sleeping together?" She asked, smirking a bit. Phil glanced at me, "No um. Dan was showing me an anime last night and um- I fell asleep in the lounge." Louise didn't seem convinced, "Alright then." I smiled awkwardly at her. She continued to eat her bowl of cereal. Phil poured a bowl for me, then one for himself. The three of us sat at the table making small talk. We all finished our cereal around the same time and were now chatting on the couch, watching a movie. We had to pause the movie halfway through because we all started laughing at one of the scenes. I didn't notice Phil was leaning on me until Louise pointed it out. "Alright, spill the beans," Louise demanded politely.

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