Chapter 30

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I woke up to the smell of coffee, almost forgetting where I was for a moment. I pushed myself out of bed, throwing on some sweatpants and a sweater. I fluffed up my hair and headed out to the kitchen. Phil was leaning against the counter with a pair of my pants on as well as one of my sweaters, a warm mug cradled in his hands. Once I stepped in the doorway his heard perked up and a small smile crept onto his lips. "Good morning, I made you coffee," he pointed towards the coffee maker, still warm, and the Hello Kitty mug that sat on the counter next to it. I poured the rest of the coffee into the mug and stood next to Phil. "You left everything in the same places," he said without looking at me. "Yeah uh- I didn't really care to move things," I answered, rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand. "Dan I'm so sorry for shouting at you," Phil barely whispered out, looking at the ground. "I'm sorry too," I sighed and took a sip of my coffee. "I want to come back," he looked up at me and I swear I saw the shimmer of hope in those beautiful eyes of his. "What's stopping you?" I stared into his eyes, not really wanting to hear his answer. "My father."

Phil proceeded to tell me all about how his father refused to let him move back in with me, how he would leave marks on his wrists when he left the house. I almost started crying, "Phil. I'm so sorry." He wouldn't answer me, he just looked at the ground. I took the mug of now cold coffee out of his hands and sat his, as well as mine, on the counter behind us. I wrapped my arms around him. He leaned into me. "Come back to me, Phil," I whispered and pulled him closer. He nodded and leaned into me. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to act so stupid before. Please take me back," he whispered. I moved one hand to the back of his head and the other on his lower back and pulled him close, "I'm right here, love. You can come home." I felt him start to shake slightly and knew he was crying. "No, no, no, don't cry baby. Shhh, it's okay. I'm right here, I'm not leaving you," I kissed his the top of his head. He wrapped his arms around my waist and almost melted into me. "I love you Dan, I'm so sorry," he choked out. I pet his hair, "I love you too, Phil. You're going to be just fine."

Phil and I pulled away from each other after he stopped crying. "When does your dad get off work?" He wiped his eyes, "In an hour, why?" I started walking towards the door. "Dan, no. Please, you'll make it worse," Phil grabbed my wrist. "You can stay here okay? I'll call Louise to stay with you or Pj. He shouldn't get away with this," I moved my hand up to his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb. Phil looked at the ground as I leaned in and kissed his cheek. I took out my phone to call Louise and told her to be here as soon as possible. She arrived only a few minutes later, "What's up boys?" "Can you stay with Phil for a bit while I go out?" I asked her. She nodded, "Uh sure. Where is he?" I pointed towards the living room and she started off that way. I decided it was time to actually drive the car I've had kept up and snatched my keys. I rushed out the door and almost ran down all the stairs. I found my parking spot and unlocked the car. I slid into the driver's seat and pulled out onto the road, heading to Phil's parents home as fast as I could.

I parked my car in front of the house and walked up to the front door. I accidentally knocked loudly and stood back, waiting to be let in. It was opened by Phil's mum looking very tired, "Oh, Daniel. This is a surprise. I thought Phillip was coming home?" I gave her a slight smile, "Sorry for intruding, Mrs. Lester. I need to speak to Phil's dad." "Sure, love. Let me go get him. You can come in and wait in the living room if you'd like," she said, opening the door a bit wider. "No, that's alright ma'am. I'd rather keep this brief," I politely declined. She nodded and walked off to the other room. I waited for a minute before I heard louder footsteps coming towards the front door and his dad appear. "Daniel. What do you want?" He snapped at me. "What you are doing to Phil is not right. Just because he's not your perfect son doesn't mean you can hurt him in more ways than I can shout. If you have an issue with him and I dating or getting married then I personally ask you to take it up with me because I sure as hell won't let you hurt my perfect sunshine," I growled at him and pointed my finger sternly at him.

He gave me a dirty look, "You are not allowed to use that tone of voice on me." "I can use any tone of voice I want with you. You aren't my superior. You're a cruel, heartless man, abusing your twenty-nine year-old son just because he decided he likes a guy!" He looked angry and hurt, but I kept going. "Don't bother showing up at our wedding, or any other point in our lives. Now where is Phil's things. He's not staying with a drunken asshole like you any longer." Martyn showed up in the doorway with Phil's bags and a smile on his face. I took the bags from him and flashed him a smile. He gave me a thumbs-up before returning to his room. Phil's dad stormed off back in the house while his mum came up to me. "I'm so sorry, Daniel." "It's alright, Mrs. Lester," I smiled. "Please, call me Diane," she smiled back. "Thank you, Diane. I should get going now," I tossed one of the bags over my shoulder. She nodded and shut the door behind me. I tossed Phil's bags into the backseat of my car before getting in myself. I decided to stop by Starbucks to get him one of those pumpkin flavored drinks to cheer him up before heading back to the flat.

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