Chapter 22

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I woke up late the next day and smiled as Phil was still laying next to me. I snuggled into him and he hugged me tighter, being cautious of our casts. "What time is it?" I yawned. Phil let go of me for a second so he could check his phone, "Two-thirty." I made no effort of getting up and nether did Phil. "Hey do you want to grab some cereal and maybe film something?" Phil asked. "Sure, why not. Let me put on some clothes first," I said. Phil rolled out of bed and came over to my side to hand me my crutches. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and positioned the crutches under my arms before standing up, "Man I hate these things." Phil chuckled and went to get his arm sling from the bathroom. I made my way to my wardrobe and groaned. How am I supposed to put skinny jeans over this dumb cast? Phil snuck up behind me, "Shorts or sweatpants?" "Sweatpants," I answered as Phil got them for me, along with my baggy tan sweater and some clean boxers. "Thanks," I smiled, taking the clothes from him and changing in the bathroom, which was relatively hard to do.

I had to pull the right leg up my pants over and above my cast. Then I tugged on my sweater and got back on my crutches. Phil went in and changed after me. He came out in dark grey skinny jeans along with one of his random shirts. We went into the kitchen and ate cereal for breakfast before returning to the bedroom. "So what are we filming and what do we do about these?" I asked, lifting my casted leg up. Phil looked at his arm before looking up at me, "Let's do the boyfriend tag, Dan!" I chuckled, "Alright then. I'll go write up some questions and you can set up?" Phil nodded and handed me a pen and paper while he set up the recording stuff. I finished writing down all the questions and got comfortable on our bed, resting my crutches next to me. Phil sat down to my left and we started filming. It was hilarious to film because after all of these years of living together, there were still things we didn't know about each other. Then there were those really weird things that were really surprising that we knew about each other.

I decided to edit since I couldn't really do anything else except sniffle and lay down. Phil brought me some cough medicine a few minutes later. I smiled at him and took it, but fake gagged at the terrible taste. "Why can't they taste good?" I groaned. Phil chuckled and sat it on the nightstand, "Maybe because you taste so good that it pulls out the flavor?" I blushed and stuck my tongue out at him. He chuckled and leaned his head on my shoulder. I started editing with Phil sitting next to me. "They only see my arm in the shot and not your leg," Phil pointed out. "Wait for it," I pointed at the screen as the part where I fell back on the bed laughing and my leg showed. Phil chuckled, "I love when you fall back laughing. It's so cute." I leaned my head on his, "I love you." "I love you too," Phil cooed back. "Sorry I got your arm broken," I chuckled. Phil chuckled too, "Sorry I got your leg broken." Phil helped me edit and we sat back before uploading to tweet it out. 'New video in five minutes! Going up on my channel costarring my fiancé you all love!' Phil tweeted. 'New video on Phil's channel soon! Go check it out.' I tweeted. We both managed to tweet at the same time, posting the link, as soon as the video uploaded.

"Which one of us was going to do a live show in an hour?" I called from the bedroom. "You were, Dan," Phil called from the kitchen. I nodded to myself and tweeted about it so I wouldn't forget. "Did we upload that uh- the video? Did we film it even?" I called again. Phil popped his head in the doorway, "We did film it, we did the boyfriend tag. You uploaded it three hours ago." "Oh. Why can't I remember anything, dammit?" I muttered to myself. Phil sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, "You hit your head, Dan. It's only temporary." "How d-" I trailed off and shook my head, "Can you hand set my laptop on the desk?" Phil nodded and sat my laptop on our desk for me. I managed to move the swivel chair over to the side of the bed with my foot and sat down in it, pushing myself back over to the desk. I heard Phil chuckle behind me, "Creative." I shrugged, "I try." Phil kissed my cheek before returning to the kitchen. I started up the live show and began filming. Which I now regretted. I got thousands of people asking about our video and about the casts. I tried to avoid the question and started talking about what happened in the video and what'll happen about the next TATINOF.

"Alright, alright. You guys won't stop so I'll tell you. Phil and I went on a date two days ago in the park and some guy hit us with his car. Yes in the park. Yes we were on the grass area. Yes we're fine-" I lifted up my leg, "Just broke this and Phil broke his arm." I started to cough a bit and groaned, "I hit my head too, if you were wondering. I think it did something bad temporarily like messed up my memory, but I forgot. Isn't that ironic." Someone in the chat asked when Phil and I were getting married, "To uh- To Kate- To answer your question, Phil and I thought it would be romantically hilarious to get married in 2022." That received a ton of 'awws' after I said it. "'Dan, are you and Phil thinking about having kids after you get married?' I don't know. Most likely. We've always wanted kids so it'd be great to have a couple of tiny people running around," I answered. I started to cough really hard and earned some concerned fans telling me to get better and take some cough medicine. "I already took it guys, but look at this, " I chuckled as I put on Phil's hat, "He does appreciate it, just left it in here so I would wear it." Mostly everyone was asking to see Phil so I leaned back and called him into the room.

"Yeah bear?" He came in with that worried look he wore when I was sick. I tipped the hat at him and his expression lightened. He took it off my head and put it on his own. I looked at the camera and pointed at Phil, "Look guys! He loves it." Phil made a funny expression at the camera and made me frown at him. I held my arms open and he came over and hugged me, putting the hat back on my head. "I have to go back bef-" A loud knock on the door interrupted Phil and scared me to the point that I fell out of the chair. Phil chuckled, but somehow helped me up. "I'll go get that. It's the delivery guy," Phil said before kissing my cheek, waving at the camera, and leaving. I looked back at the camera, "SO you guys be safe okay? I'm gonna go crutch my way to the kitchen for some food. Bye!" I waved and turned off the camera. I pushed the chair back over to the bed and grabbed my crutches. I pushed myself up with them and scooted the chair back to its original place. I limped my way out and into the kitchen to meet Phil with the food.

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