Chapter 32

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The guys had taken me to some sort of bar. It was a fairly fancy one, but my outfit fit in nicely. We all ordered some sort of appetizer and a drink of preference. I picked the strongest one they had. "Dan, don't you think you'll get drunk off that?" Pj nudged me and motioned at my drink. I just held it up and took a sip. In a hushed tone I said, "That's what I'm hoping for, Peej." He just shrugged and sipped his drink. "So Dan. Phil's out of town?" Marzia asked. I nodded, "Family thing." "I thought he.." Felix's voice trailed off. I shrugged and took another sip. I scrunched my face up. "God this is terrible," I said about the drink, taking another sip anyways. "Well it's nice that they're getting along again," Marzia smiled. I nodded, "Yeah. Hey Peej. Where's Sophie?" Pj leaned back in his chair, "Sick. She's got a cold or something and didn't feel like joining." "Well I hope she feels better," I smiled. "Thanks bud," Pj smiled back. We all had finished our first drinks by now and ordered new ones. We were all getting a little tipsy by now. "Just a couple more drinks and we'll go home," Felix said.

Pj didn't drink anymore than one glass. He was our designated driver. I had just a little too much to drink by now. I was trying to get out of the booth, but I kept hitting my knees. "Ah, Dan. What are you doing?" Pj questioned. "Look, mate. I just- I this stupid table," I muttered the last part. "Let's get you home bud," Felix pushed himself out of the seat. Marzia was hiding a chuckle. Pj and Felix helped me out of the booth. "I left my box thing. My.. My cell," I squinted my eyes and turned around. "I'll get it," Marzia smiled and walked back to the table. She picked up my phone and brought it back to me. I drunkenly slipped it into my pocket. "Let's head out boys," I pointed towards the door and slurred my words. I stumbled to the front door with Pj and Felix carefully standing behind me to catch me. Marzia skipped along, a little tipsy herself. I managed to get into the car and sat in the passenger's seat. I looked at my phone to see a text from Phil. "You've got to be sitting me," I hiccupped. "Sitting you? No Daniel, I think you are sitting yourself there," Pj chuckled as he started driving. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in the seat.

I had fallen asleep most of the ride, my face pressed against the cold window. Pj was going to drop me off first. "Hey, sleepy head. Wake up," Pj snapped and shook me awake. I groaned and blinked my eyes open. I pushed myself out of the car. "I'm going to help him to his flat. You two wait here," he called to Marzia and Felix. I started off to the lobby while Pj quickly came to my side. I tripped up the stairs, but somehow didn't fall. Pj took my key from me and unlocked the door. He basically tossed me onto the couch, "You be good and drink water." I shrugged and watched him sit the key on the coffee table and leave my flat. I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling. Sudden realization came upon me. "Shit, I was supposed to stream." I rolled off the couch and stumbled into the room I now shared with Phil. I managed to open my laptop and tweet about the stream whilst turning on the broadcast on YouNow. "Sooooo..." I yawned as I watched the number of viewers go up, "Hello everyone. Nice to see you again." I waited for a little bit more people to join before I managed an actual conversation. I started to jumble my words pretty badly and fall out of my seat once or twice.

The live show ended a little while later. I decided to go to sleep. When I woke up, I was greeted to an almost endless amount of notifications from Phil. My phone started ringing again so I answered. "Dan! God I've been ringing you all morning," Phil sounded nervous. "I was asleep," I rubbed my temples as I felt a slight headache coming on, "What's up?" "I just wanted to make sure you were alright," Phil sounded more relieved now. "Yeah. I'm fine." "Good, well. I'm going to get off soon. My parents are dragging me out to breakfast," he explained. "Oh alright," I yawned. "I love you and I'll call you later," Phil yawned as well. "Love you too," I said before hanging up. I fell back on the bed and closed my eyes. I was still a little drunk from last night. If you drink more you won't get hungover. I groaned and agreed with the thought. Phil probably hates you. You aren't even a good person, Daniel. I sat up and marched to the kitchen. I pulled down a bottle of wine and poured myself a glass. You're disappointing, you know that? "I know," I accidentally said out loud.

A whole day and so many bottles passed. I ended up staying in my dark room for the rest of the week. Nothing but bad thoughts and myself as company. Maybe I needed a new coping mechanism. Maybe Phil was really tired of me. Maybe he wasn't even in Florida and he just wanted away from me. Another swig of the already half empty bottle. I rolled my eyes at myself. I'm fucking pathetic. My phone started ringing and I just about had a heart attack. I searched for it before answering quickly, "Hello?" "It's me," Phil's voice was blunt and saddening. "Are you alright?" I questioned. "Peachy. I'm in the airport now, taking a cab home," Phil explained. "Oh. Um. I'll see you soon then." "I'll see you soon," Phil said before hanging up. I jumped to my feet and started to look around the house. I kicked the empty bottles under the bed and quickly got into the shower. I couldn't let Phil know I had been drinking, he'd leave me again. I got out of the shower, not bothering with straightening my hair. I quickly brushed my teeth twice, making sure to get rid of the alcohol smell. Phil came home quicker than expected. I greeted him at the door. He planted a kiss on my lips before pulling away, "Is that alcohol I taste?"

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