Chapter 20

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I felt an enormous amount of pain in my right leg and all up my right side, but I opened my eyes. There was a freaking car in the middle of the park, behind us. I looked over at Phil. He had blood all over his face and he looked like he was dead. I froze, "Phil. Phil wake up." I started to shake him, but he wouldn't open his eyes. I pressed my head to his chest and I could hear both his breathing slightly off and his heart beating. I sighed in relief that he was still alive. Louise came running over on the phone, probably calling an ambulance. "How the bloody hell did that car get in here?!" I shouted at her. She just shrugged and hung up the phone, "Oh Dan. Your leg! It's twisted. And Phil! His head's all beat up!" I ripped at the blanket underneath us and tied it around Phil's head to cover the cut he had on his forehead. "I'm gonna go see who that bloody bastard was that hit us," I growled and pushed myself to my feet only to fall back down after putting pressure on my right leg. "Don't get up. I think it's broken. I'll go look for you," Louise rushed over to the car and looked in the driver's side window before pulling the door open.

"Dan! I think he's dead!" Louise panicked and ran back over to me. I heard siren in the background and grabbed Louise's arm, "Don't call Phil's mum until we know that he's going to be okay." She nodded and moved out of the way as paramedics came rushing over with stretchers. They went to take care of me first, but I pushed them away, "I just need a splint. Take care of my fiancé first." They nodded and loaded Phil into one of the two ambulances that came. Two paramedics rushed over with a stretcher for me, "I'm riding with him, please. Just wrap my leg up or something. It doesn't even hurt." "Sir please. We have to get you on this to make sure your leg can set properly," One of them went to pick me up and I couldn't stop him. "Ride with Phil, Louise. Keep me updated. I have my phone," Louise nodded and rushed to get in with Phil. I growled at the paramedic who almost didn't let her in. The paramedics went off to check out the guy in the car, "This one's dead. Looks like he had a heart attack." My hands started to shake, probably because of nerves or even from shock.

"What's your name?" One of the paramedics who were examining my leg asked. "Dan. Dan Howell," I answered. "And you said that man was your fiancé?" She asked again. I nodded and looked at her nametag, which read Carter, her last name I was guessing. "What's his name?" Carter asked. "Phil Lester," I answered. She shoved this box type thing, that only had three sides onto my leg and wrapped cloth round it to keep it in place. "We're getting you and your fiancé to a hospital as fast as we can. You seem to only have a broken leg, but I can't tell you about his condition," She smiled. "No, no. I need to know how Phil is doing. I need to know if he's going to be okay," I demanded. "Dan, please don't freak out. You're in shock and you might do something stupid," Carter shushed me. I narrowed my eyes at her. She tossed her arms up, "Alright, I'll have one of my guys radio them." I sighed in relief and she told one of the other guys that were sitting next to her to ask for me. He nodded, "Your fiancé is doing just fine. He got his head hit pretty hard so he's unconscious right now and he also broke his . We need to be paying more attention to your leg. You took most of the damage."

They put me under some kind of sedative when we got to the hospital. I couldn't tell how long I was out, but when I managed to wake up, I could feel slight pain in my leg. I heard shuffling and turned towards the noise. Louise was sitting in one of the chairs on her phone. "Hey Louise," I croaked out. "Oh, Dan! Are you feeling okay?" She smiled slightly, but I could tell something wasn't right. My heart dropped when I remembered Phil was in here too. "I-I'm fine, but Phil. How's Phil? Where is he? Can I g-" "Dan calm down. Phil's fine. He's still sleeping. They just had to do an x-ray on his arm before putting it in a cast. He's probably back in his room now," Louise explained. "I want to see him," I frowned. Louise nodded, "Stay here and I'll find a nurse okay? Then we can go see him." I nodded and watched her get up and walk out. I looked down at my leg and frowned. I had a stupid white cast on it that went up to my knee. How was I supposed to get up the stairs in our flat now?

A nurse walked in, pushing a wheelchair, with Louise walking behind her. She helped me into the wheelchair and started pushing me down the hall, "I'm glad to see you're feeling well enough to get out of bed, Daniel." I nodded, but didn't really answer. Louise walked up beside me, "Hey, I have to go. Darcy's sick so I need to get home. Tell me how Phil's doing soon okay?" I nodded again, "Bye Louise." "Bye Dan. Be careful," She patted my shoulder and walked off in the other direction. The nurse turned a corner, "Was that your girlfriend?" I scoffed, "No. The guy you're taking me to see right now is my fiancé." The nurse said 'oh' very quietly behind me, "So how did you two get into this mess?" "We were in the park for an anniversary dinner he planned and some guy's car just comes rushing towards us. The paramedics said he had a heart attack that killed him," I explained and shrugged. The nurse wheeled me into a room that had the television going. "Here we are. I'll leave you two alone," She pushed me close to the bed and walked off, shutting the door to the room.

Phil was laying on the bed, staring blanking at the television. He had a cast on his right arm that matched mine. I slid my hand into his left hand and he turned to face me. His eyes lit up and he smiled, "Dan, you're okay!" I smiled back, but used my other hand to punch him in the shoulder. Phil's smile dropped, "What was that for?!" "For making me think you were dead, you spork! You wouldn't wake up in the park," I frowned. "I'm sorry, Dan! I didn't know what was going on, but I knew if I opened my eyes I would see you hurt and I didn't want to see that," Phil explained. I sighed and kissed his hand, "I didn't care how hurt I was, Phil. I wanted to make sure you were okay." Phil smiled, "Can I sign your cast?" "What?" "I want to sign your cast. I want to be the first one to sign it," He said. I looked around for a sharpie and found one on the table next to Phil's bed. I handed it to him and managed to lift my leg up enough where Phil could sign it. He hand to do it all scratchy like since he hand to use his left hand to write. He smiled when he was done, "It looks funny, but it says 'I love you and your long white leg' with a little heart next to it."

I managed to wheel myself to the other side of Phil and signed the cast on his arm. "Dan! You got marker all over your hand," Phil chuckled and looked at his cast, "It's all smudged too!" I shrugged, "I tried my best for a left handed person, but it says 'I can't wait to be able to squeeze this hand as much as this cast can.' with a little heart." Phil started laughing when he saw the heart, "It looks like a lopsided circle!" "I tried my best!" I argued and laughed with him. "I wonder if they'd let you stay in here with me until can leave," Phil thought out loud. A nurse walked in to check on Phil, she was different than the one who brought me in here, "Oh! Who's this, Phil? Is this the fiancé you've been talking about?" Phil nodded excitedly, "Yep! This is my fiancé, Dan. Dan, this is Nurse Amy." I held out my hand and she shook it. "Well, since you two only suffered broken bones that weren't too severe, you might be able to go home tomorrow," she smiled. "Oh that's good news. Do you think Dan could stay with me tonight?" Phil tilted his head. He usually got his way with people when he did that. Amy shrugged, "I'll have to check with the doctor on that, but I could probably make it happen."

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