Chapter 4

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"You and Phil and dating?! That's so cute! I always knew you two would end up together," Louise chirped. Phil looked at me and smiled. I loved that beautiful smile of his. "You can't tell anyone else, alright? We're trying to keep it secret from our fans," I explained, leaning back in my chair. She nodded, but stopped mid-nod, "But your fans would love it!" Phil spoke up this time, "That is true." I looked up at Phil, "But we aren't ready to tell everyone yet." Phil nodded. I quietly sighed in relief that he agreed with me. Louise's phone buzzed on the table and we all turned our attention to it. "Oh, it's Zoe!" Louise stepped out of the room and answered the call. Phil leaned his head on my shoulder. "What do you want to do today?" I asked, leaning my head on the top of his. "Let's stay here." Louise walked back in, "Zoe invited me out with her. Thanks for letting stay guys!" We waved as she let herself out. Phil stood up, grabbing my hand, and led me to the couch. I sat down by the arm rest, stretching my legs across the rest of the couch. Phil sat between my legs, resting his head on my chest. We turned on the television and started watching whatever was on.

"Dan?" Phil asked quietly, I didn't answer. I was falling asleep, my arms wrapped around him. "Are you awake?" "Yeah," I muttered. "Let's go back to your room and go to bed," Phil suggested as he got up. I got up along with him, wrapping my arms around his waist. We walked like that to my bed and got in. I curled up next to Phil, wrapping my arms around his waist again. We talked for a bit about when we were going to tell everyone we were dating. "Don't we have that YouTuber party thing tomorrow?" I asked, surprised at how my mind picked up on that. "Oh yeah. I completely forgot about that." Phil yawned midsentence before turning to face me. Our foreheads touched and I started smiling, "Funny how I got drunk and now we're here." Phil smiled too, "I'm kind of glad you said it. I wouldn't have had the guts." I chuckled, "Hey at least you didn't toss yours out after." Phil chuckled too. I kissed his nose and he kissed mine. We both ended up falling asleep like that.

"Dan wake up. We have to get ready for the party," Phil shook my shoulder trying to wake me. I groaned and blinked my eyes open. Phil helped me out of bed and left so I could get dressed. I put on whatever I grabbed from my wardrobe , a pair of black skinnies and one of my white short-sleeved shirts. I walked out of my room and found Phil sitting on the bottom step of the stairs. He got up when he heard me walking. "Let's go! There's a taxi outside for us." I followed Phil outside and we got in the taxi. The party was at Louise's place, since she had a nicer house. "So do you think we should tell them?" Phil asked, his hand over mine of the seat. "None of our friends really oppose it. It wouldn't hurt." Phil went quiet for a minute, "I don't really like keeping secrets. Especially if I'm proud of that secret." I smiled, "Then we're going to tell them." Phil smiled too and kissed me on the cheek. I heard the driver scoff as he pulled up to Louise's house. Phil and I got out, not paying the driver a tip. We walked up to the front door and knocked. Louise answered it almost immediately.

We had been at Louise's party for over an hour, debating when would be the best time to tell everyone. Only Pj and Louise knew right now. Everyone started to settle down and eat some of the snacks that were set out. I looked at Phil. This could be the perfect time. Phil nodded and we both stood up. There weren't that many people here so just raising our voices would probably get their attention. Yet because of my socially awkwardness, I was at a loss for words. "Phil I-" Phil rubbed my back and cleared his throat, "Hey everyone. Dan and I have an announcement to make." I looked at the crowd to see everyone facing us. I could spot only a few familiar faces: Zoe, Alfie, Pj, Louise, Chris, and Tyler, who happened to be in town for his tour.Louise and Pj gave us a reassuring look, knowing exactly what we were about to say. I spoke up and took Phil's hand in mine before he could say anything, "Phil and I are dating." Phil squeezed my hand as the crowd went completely silent. Only a second later, though, everyone clapped and congratulated us. I sighed in relief that I no one disapproved.

The rest of the party was spent with everyone asking us questions about our relationship. Though, some time during the party someone had given me alcohol. Which was a bad idea seeing as I was now a bit tipsy. I'm not an alcoholic so much as a person who only drinks at parties. Tyler and I were off in the kitchen chatting about his new book along with Phil and I's new book. Tyler was congratulating me welcoming me to the "gay side." I had to tell him I was bisexual which led to him saying "Well honey, you're half gay," making us both laugh. Phil waltzed into the room behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I'm so glad we told everyone, I love being able to show affection in public. Tyler chuckled before walking out of the kitchen. "We should go back home Danny," Phil said. I could tell he was drunk. In fact, I could smell it. I knew knew Phil too drink a lot, so this was interesting to me. We said our goodbyes and got into another taxi and headed home. Phil fell asleep in the taxi, but I didn't feel like waking him so I managed to carry him, bridal style, up to our flat. I put him down on the bed and changed into pajamas. I just took off his button up and jeans so he wouldn't be uncomfortable before curling up next to him in the bed, falling asleep myself.

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