Chapter 11

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I was sitting on the couch scrolling through Tumblr, stuffing a PB&J sandwich in my mouth when Phil walked in. He had the biggest smile on his face. "What are you going to drag me to this time?" I asked, my voice muffled from my mouth being full. Phil plopped himself down beside me, "You have peanut butter on your lip, Dan." I slid my thumb across my lips. "Did I get it?" I asked. Phil nodded. I went back to Tumblr, having finished my sandwich, and decided to check out some of the adorable art of very talented fans drew of Phil and I. Phil pointed at one so I stopped scrolling to really look at it. It was a picture of Phil and I standing on a stage, looking at all of our fans at one of our tour dates in the UK. "That's amazing, Phil," I said, trying to hold back laughter from my stupid joke. Phil rolled his eyes, "Reblog it, Dan!" I sighed at his lack of humor and hit reblog on the post. After that, I went back to my normal scrolling, Phil watching my computer screen from the left side of me. Every once in a while he would point out something or I would comment on how a Shrek picture remind me of him as a joke. This moment felt comfortable and I liked it.

"Dan, we should go on a date," Phil suggested out of the blue. "We already have," I countered. Phil lifted folded his legs on the couch and faced me. I took note of his silly bright colored, mismatched socks he was wearing. "I know. I just love it when we do cute things together," Phil put on his best pouty face. I had to admit that I couldn't say no to that face. "Alright," I said and Phil did a small fist pump in the air. I jokingly rolled my eyes, "Where do you want to go?" Phil thought for a moment, resting his index finger on his chin, "How about we go to the park down the street?" I looked over at him, "The one with the climbing frame?" Phil nodded excitedly, "That one, yeah!" I shut my laptop and sat it aside, "If you fall off, don't blame me." Phil jumped off the couch and excitedly held out his hand for me to take. I placed my hand in his and he quickly pulled me up. "Jeez Phil, calm down. You're going to get me tired before we even go out!" I scolded him. He tossed his hands up, "Sorry!" I smiled slightly at him, "Let's go before it gets too late." Phil smiled back and led me out of our lounge. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and stopped him so I could put on my shoes. He put his on also and got my jacket for me. I snatched the keys off the counter just before Phil dragged me out the door.

We walked to the park seeing as it wasn't too far from our flat. Phil managed to trip over a raised spot on the pavement. I asked if he was okay and he said he was so it was okay for me to laugh at it. When we finally made it to the park, we were surprised to see no one there. I took off to the poor deserted swings and made myself comfortable. Phil sat down on the swing next to the one I was in. I pushed myself back and forth slowly while Phil was trying to swing higher. "Phil you are actually going to flip the swing, slow down." I watched as Phil tried to slow himself down, but of course, failed miserably. His foot got caught under him and I jumped off my swing to catch him before he fell on his face. I pulled him close to my chest when I caught him. He wrapped his arms around me and we just stayed like that for a minute. "You're so clumsy, Phillip," I said, breaking to silence. "At least you're there to catch me, Daniel," Phil's reply was muffled as his adorable face was squished against my chest.

"Dan I bet I can beat you to the top!" Phil shouted out, rushing up the climbing frame. I followed behind, climbing at a slower pace, but still beating him to the top. I sat on the very top as he sat on a bar next to me. "I wonder why no kids play here anymore," Phil blurted out. I could see his breathe when he talked. I didn't even notice the cold air since my body got warmed up from both my jacket and being hot from all the walking and everything. I noticed Phil only wore a long-sleeved shirt and didn't have a jacket. I seemed a bit cold. Would it be too cheesy if I put my jacket on him? Probably, but I'll do it anyways. I slipped at out my jacket and placed it over Phil's shoulders like they do in those movies. He leaned towards me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders as well and he leaned into me. I've known this man for years, but I never seem to get tired of his presence. "Hey Phil," I called out. He let out a 'mhm' to let me know he was listening. "I never quite understood why you kept around me," I said, staring blankly at the view of the busy town. "What do you mean?" Phil questioned, not moving either. I let out a very quiet sigh, "I wasn't really a very happy person when we first met. No one else really stuck around me in Uni, either. So why did you stick around for so long?" Phil pushed himself off me and stared into me with those beautiful eyes of his. "Daniel James Howell, you were, and still are, the best thing that's every happened to me. You may not have been bubbly, but you always brightened my day. When we first met, I felt connected to you. I finally felt safe. I love you so much, Dan." He moved his hands up to my cheeks and pressed our lips together for only a second. "I love you too, Phil."

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