Chapter 15

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When we got up all the stupid stairs in our flat, I just had to trip over the last bloody step and knock my head on the floor. Phil, who was already down the hall, heard me fall and rushed over to aid to me. He sat me up on the last step and examined my head. I didn't even feel any pain, aside from a slight headache I caught on the plane. "Phil, I'm fine. I swear," I placed my hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "Alright, alright. I'll stop babying you," Phil smiled and helped me up. We tossed our bag in our rooms and stood in the hall, "We're going to have to merge rooms soon," Phil blurted out. I nodded, "But who's room do we like most?" "Your room is a lot bigger and neater than mine," he answered. "They're the same size, Phillip." "Then why is yours bigger, Dan-yul," he pouted, emphasizing the last syllable of my name. I sighed, "Let's move in again." Phil jumped up, "How about we move my wardrobe into your room, next to yours of course, that way we don't have to get rid of any clothes." "Sounds good. Let's get to it," I walked into Phil's room and we started moving furniture around, some to the side, some into my room.

It was weird having his stuff in here. It was weird having a ring on my finger. This all was just weird, but I was enjoying it. Phil vowed to get Louise, or Peej, or anybody really, to cut our duvets in half and sew them together. I thought it was silly, but Phil said it was important to him so I didn't really question it. I decided to text Peej later since he was handy with sewing. Phil started to add some of his trinkets to the room after all the furniture was in place. After Phil managed to find a hammer and started to put up some of his paintings and my paintings, I set up my camera. It was about time I did a live stream. "You think it's a good idea?" I asked Phil. He had fallen back onto the bed and rested his head in my lap. "Yep. They'll enjoy seeing us," he smiled at me and tapped my nose. I tweeted about the live stream to warm everyone and decided to do it in an hour so I could grab something to eat and drink before settling down.

Once I ate, I sat down at the desk in my room and loaded up YouNow. Phil left the room and decided to make an appearance later. I started the live show, "Hello, hey, hi! Nice to see you guys again." I read out some of the comments, "'Have I been home long?' No, actually. Phil and I got back a couple of hours ago. We stayed in Vegas for a few extra days." A bunch of people freaked out about me saying Phil's name and begun asking where he was. "Calm your ovaries, Phil is in the next room." I fixed my fringe and read some more questions, "'Why is your room so Phil-like?' asks LillyIsNotOnFire. That's a good question Lilly. Let me call Phil in here to tell you." I winked at the camera before going to get Phil. "They want to know about your stuff in my room, Phil. Come help me explain," I begged. Phil chuckled and followed me back. He sat in my lap due to the lack of a second chair. The chat freaked out at Phil's appearance. "Hi guys! And to the girl who asked about the room, well. All I can tell you is this-"

Phil grabbed my left hand and showed it to the camera. "We got engaged," I added. I feel like we honestly gave some of our fans heart attacks. "Dan, they're going to break your chat!" Phil exclaimed with a chuckled. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my chin on his shoulder. "I hope we fulfilled all your weird fanfictions," I chuckled. Phil pointed to a comment, "SadieHowell, Sadie I'm sorry, but I stole Dan from you, Sadie asked how we got engaged. Dan do you want to tell them?" "Sure, yeah. Brace yourself guys, it's cringe worthy," I began and started to explain everything. I saw a bunch of awes and congrats in the chat. Everyone was taking the news well and I was so glad. "'Will you be seeing more collabs with each other?' Yep and mushy, kissy stuff too. But don't get too heart set on earlier videos. Phil and I did just get back and now have to plan the wedding whi-" I hiccupped and groaned.

Phil broke out in laughter and caused himself to fall off the chair, which caused me to start laughing. "Oh god Phil! I had my arms around your waist. How did you even manage to fall?" I placed a hand on my chest. Phil stayed on the floor and pouted. "Aw come on. My lap is cold," I patted my legs, but he shook his head. I turned to the camera, "Guys tell Phil to come back." I saw a bunch of 'Phil come back!' and 'Don't go Phil!'s. I showed it to Phil and he stood up. "Fine, fine, but only because they asked so politely," He teased, sitting back on my lap. "So who's coming to TATINOF in Australia?" I changed the subject and saw a small amount of people saying they already bought their tickets. I smiled, "I can't wait to meet all of you." Phil leaned his head on my shoulder, "How's Pokémon Go?" A bunch of people answered his question in a variety. 'It's great!' or 'It lags too much.' were the main answers. "Philly here just cannot wait to play it. He literally doesn't stop talking about it," I joked. Phil lightly hit my chest, "Oh shut up Dan! You talk about it just as much as me!"

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