Chapter 24

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Phil had to step out into the spare room when he got an important call. I managed to get both of the bowls into the sink without breaking anything. Apparently it's a lot easier to use one crutch on the side of my hurt leg than to use two. I used both to get to the couch though, resting them on the ground. I leaned back and propped my leg up on a pillow. Phil was gone a long while and my computer was far away from me. I groaned. Phil came in with a face that broke my heart. "Phil, what's wrong?" I held out my arms so he could come in for a hug. He sat down and leaned into my hug, "My mum's really sick, Dan. She's in the hospital." My eyes went wide, "Oh god. I'm so sorry." Phil let out a quiet breath, "I need to be with her for a while. They don't think she's going to get better." "Yeah, of course. You can go. I'll be fine on my own here," I kissed his cheek. "I'm going to go pack," he said, getting up. "Do you need help?" I asked, grabbing my crutches. "Could you just be in the room with me while I do?" Phil didn't look at me when he spoke. "Yeah sure," I got up and followed him to our room. I sat down on the bed while Phil took out his bags and started to pack his clothes.

"She's going to be fine, Phil. Your mum's a strong woman," I tried to comfort him. Phil let a faint smile crawl onto his lips that quickly left, "I hope, Dan. I hope you're right." I couldn't stand to see Phil so hurt. He zipped up his bags and sat down next to me, "I'm going to go now since it's early. You can call me if you need anything, but our friends can help faster than I could. I'm sorry I'm leaving you alone." I raised my hand up and placed it on his cheek, "I'll be fine, I promise. You go and see your mum. She needs you more than I do." Phil smiled slightly and quickly pecked his lips against mine before taking his bags and leaving. I stayed on the bed even after I heard the front door closed. I honestly didn't know what to do with myself while he was gone. I saw Phil's duvet piled up on the floor and instantly had an idea. I whipped out my phone and called our good ol' friend PJ. He picked up almost instantly, "Hey, Dan. What's up?" "Well firstly, congrats on one million," I greeted. "Oh thanks!" "And secondly, do you think you can come over soon and bring your sewing kits? I have a project for you," I added.

"Uh sure. I'm free all this week," he sounded confused. "Anytime is fine, you could even come today," I scratched the back of my neck. "Well then, I'll be over in an hour," he said happily. I smiled, "Thanks Peej. See you in an hour." I hung up and sat my phone down before making my way to the living room. I realized I wouldn't be able to get the door when he came so I sent him a text saying to use the spare key. I managed my way to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I almost chugged it down and went to clean the dirty dishes and put them away. Somehow that took an hour to do and PJ was walking up to me in no time, "Hey Dan." "Hey Peej, do you think you could sew half of our duvets together?" I asked. He nodded, "Weird request, but yeah, I can do that. Mind if I bring them out to the lounge?" "No go ahead, I'll be in there too," I said as I made my way to the lounge, PJ brought our duvets into the lounge and sat next to me while he worked on them. "Hey where's Phil?" He asked. "Family emergency. He's going to stay with them for a while," I explained. "Oh that sucks. Do you need someone to stay with you?" PJ was sewing them together now. "No, I'm perfectly fine on my own," I jokingly sassed him.

He left after he finished stitching the duvets together. I offered to pay him for it since it took the whole day, but he denied the money. "Call me if you need anything else, mate," He said as he walked out our front door. I decided to use one crutch for the day to get used to it. It wasn't really that hard. What was I going to do while Phil was gone? I could to a live stream to warn everyone that we'd be gone for a while. Yeah, I'll do that. I limped my way to our room and sat down with my computer, turning it on. I tweeted about the spontaneous live stream while I got up again to get water and a snack. When I made my way back to the computer it was about the set time to go live. I set it up and waited for people to join, greeting different people. I blabbed on about some random things while waiting for enough people to join. I answered a couple of questions to stall a little more. "This live stream's going to be a little short guys, it's really just a, well- A reminder I think. Phil and I, him especially, won't be active for a while because of personal issues," I exclaimed.

A bunch of people asked if we were breaking up and I felt like correcting them, "No we aren't breaking up guys. Not at all. Phil's out for a family issue that I don't want to get into and I just don't feel well." I checked the time, it was almost ten at night. "Alright guys, thanks for checking in, but I've got to cut this here. Bye!" I turned off the broadcast along with my computer. Things to do to stall until I'm tired.. I could watch something or take a bath. Maybe drink something while I'm at it. I decided on all three. I took a bath first, struggling to get in without Phil to help. Then I limped into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of whatever, a big glass to be exact, before resting on the couch and putting on a random movie. I chugged down my drink during the movie, absolutely knowing I wouldn't remember renting it. I went to stand up, but fell down almost immediately, "What the h- Oh." I groaned and stumbled back onto the couch. I should ask Phil for help. "Hey, Phi-" Damn, he's not here. I went to lightly hit myself in the forehead, but accidentally hit it too hard, "Ow, shit!" I rubbed my forehead with my other hand. Oh my god I actually can't function without him.

For some reason, that thought seemed hilarious to me. I broke out in laughter. Wait where was he? I looked around for my phone, knocking a couple of unimportant things off the coffee table. I eventually found it in no other than my own back pocket. I drunkenly dialed Phil's number and held the phone to my ear and listened as it rang. I started to hiccup now. Phil picked up after a couple of rings, "Hello?" His voice was hoarse like he'd been asleep or crying. "Did I w-HICCUP-ake you?" I asked. I heard him shift, "No, I've been up since I left. I couldn't even get a wink of sleep in the cab." "How come you aren't in the f-HICCUP-lat?" "Are you drunk?" "Yes?" I leaned back on the couch and heard Phil sigh. "My mum's sick, remember?" "Oh bloody hell. I thought I'd rem-HICCUP-ember that." I started to feel a little bit more sober, not a lot, like a needle-sized bit. "It's okay, bear. I wish you were here," Phil started to sob and that's what hit me. "I could come," I blurted out. "W-What?" Phil sniffled. "I could get a cab and stay with you." "Are you serious?" "Of course I am. Why would I joke about that?" "Oh good. I really would like it if you could be here with me." "I'll leave in the morning, I promise."

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