Chapter 2

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I woke up with a terrible headache the next morning. I went to roll over and toss the pillow over my head to block out the light, but I bumped into another figure. I recognized the jet black hair almost immediately, which let me recall last night and all that I said to Phil. I panicked for a second thinking Phil and I did it, but was relieved when I saw we both had our shirts on. Phil's sleepy body stirred and he faced me, blue eyes brighter than ever. "Morning, Dan." His smile made my headache disappear. "Sleep well?" I nodded to answer his question. He smiled and kissed my forehead before hopping out of my bed and into his room to get clothes. 'What does this make us?' That question repeated in my head from last night. 'Do you feel like keeping a secret?' was his reply. I didn't even have to replay my answer to his question. I could tell from waking up next to him that I said yes. Does that mean Phil is my boyfriend? I'd have to clarify the answer to that later. I pushed myself out of bed and into the wardrobe to pick out clothes for the day.

"Dan! Can you come into the kitchen for a minute?" Phil's cheerful voice rang through the house. I walked through the hallway, almost tripping over the loose ace bandage on my ankle, and stopped in the kitchen doorway. "Phil what the hell? There's flour everywhere!" I held back a laugh when I actually saw Phil sitting on the counter tried to wipe flour off of his sleeve which only made it worse. He looked up at me with a frown, but immediately started smiling. He had something planned and I could tell. "Come closer," he begged. I rolled my eyes and walked up next to him, expecting him to ask me to help clean up. Instead, he started laughing and put flour on my nose. I jokingly rolled my eyes and wiped the flour off of my nose. Phil started laughing and went to hop off of the counter, but slipped on the flour. I stuck my arms out and caught him, pulling his body close to mine. He wrapped his arms around my neck as mine were around his waist. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Our foreheads rested against each other.

I couldn't believe I confessed to him last night and here we were, in our kitchen. Both of us now covered with flour, holding each other close. I'm glad I fell in love with Phil. I felt his soft lips press against mine and I was pulled closer to him. I could get used to this. We pulled away after a while to catch our breath. Phil rested his head on my chest and I rested my chin on the top of his head. "Dan?" Phil's voice was quiet, but comforting. "Yeah?" I asked, smiling to myself. "I'm in love with you." His words made my smile grow larger. "I love you too, Phil." He lifted his head off of my chest and looked at me with his beautiful bright eyes. "Remember the secret?" He asked. I was mesmerized by his voice, "Of course." He smiled, "Will you help me clean up then, boyfriend?" His last word struck me and made my cheeks get hot. I nodded, grabbing towels, wetting them under the faucet. I tossed a towel to Phil and we started to clean up the flour.

"What were you trying to do?" I asked once I stopped laughing. Phil and I finished cleaning and were now siting in pajamas while our clothes were being washed. "I was trying to make you breakfast!" Phil defended himself. My stomach rumbled at the mention of the morning meal. "Why don't we go down to that café you like?" I suggested. Phil smiled and jumped off of the couch, "Let's get changed!" I followed him down the hall, but we parted as we went into our separate bedrooms. We managed to change and walk out at the same time. I worn, once again, black jeans and a black short-sleeved shirt. Phil was wearing one of his blue button-ups and a pair of jeans. Might I add he looked extremely attractive now. Phil stuck his hand out and I placed mine in it. We walked out of the flat and down the stairs, but our hands detached once we made it outside. We walked down the pavement until we reached the shopping area. I had my hands stuffed in my jean pockets to keep them from snaking their way into Phil's hands.

We sat down in the same booth as we always did, eating the same foods we always did. I joked about the flour incident this morning while Phil tried to defend himself again. I let him win the 'argument' once I finished eating. Phil finished shortly after I did. We paid for our meal and decided to go on a walk. We found a small park near our flat and were just taking in the views. It started to get a bit windy making it chilly out. Phil and I didn't bring jackets since we didn't think it would get this cold. I figured no one else was here at the park so I wrapped my arm around his shoulders to try and warm him up. "What if someone sees us?" Phil asked innocently. I pulled him a bit closer as I felt him shiver. "No one's here." Phil relaxed and wrapped his arm around my waist. It was nice being like this, but it didn't last. "Dan, Phil!" A familiar voice shouted from behind us. Phil and I froze and removed our arms from each other. We turned around and saw Pj running up to us. Thank god it was just him. Phil didn't ease up, though, so I placed my hand on his lower back.

"I see you two finally got together," Pj smiled. "Uh, yeah. I got down on one knee and all that jazz," I joked. Phil relaxed when he could tell Pj was alright with us and started joking with me as well. "When he pulled out a little box and opened it a tiny moose jumped out. It almost bit me!" Pj laughed at our sarcasm, "Are you going to tell your fans anytime soon?" I shrugged and looked at Phil. "Well, they do 'ship' us," I exclaimed. Phil nodded, "Let's not explode the internet just yet, Dan." Pj's phone started going off, "Ah, well I'll catch you guys later!" "Bye, Peej!" Phil waved at him. I waved along with Phil, "Bye." Phil and I continued on our walk for another hour, before heading back to our flat. It was dark out now, so of course, we rushed to get back home.

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