Verse 1

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You walk into your new apartment building. It's really fancy-looking, but it isn't that expensive, and with your job, the less expensive the better. You unbox all of your stuff, smiling to yourself. You have lots of fan stuff that you hang up, and you desperately try to remember which fans gave you what as you hang them on the plain, cream coloured walls. One of the paintings drops and lands on your foot.

"Fuck!" You shout, then quickly cover your mouth. You hear a knock and walk to the door, grimacing as you see an unfamiliar face at the door.

"Sorry, I'm clumsy." You smile.

"Hey! Are you alright? I heard-"

"Yeah, sorry about that, I'm all good." You laugh in embarrassment.

"Wait, aren't you that youtuber, Y/N?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah." You nod in affirmation, desperately hoping that you don't live next to a stalker.

"Cool! I'm Nate." He gives you a warm smile.

"Nice, I'll think to swing by sometime." You shake his hand.

"See you around, Y/N." He gives a wave and walks back to his room.

"See ya." You grin and give him a tiny salute. You smile to yourself. He's kinda cute. You keep decorating, and before you know it, you're done unpacking. You breathe a sigh of relief and decide to be annoying as you walk over to his door and knock. He opens the door and raises his eyebrow at you.

"Hi?" He questions.

"I said I'd swing by. And besides, I gotta get to know at least one of my neighbours." You shrug.

"Alright. Mi casa, su casa, I guess." He beckons you in. You see a bunch of music supplies and your eyes widen.

"I'm extremely interested." You look around, your smile growing wider.

"You're a musician too?" He tilts his head to the side.

"Nice observation. Could I try this stuff out?" You ask.

"Yup. Just be careful." He laughs. You start to play his guitar and hum a song that you wrote. He starts to tap his fingers to the beat.

"You know this?" You ask.

"Yeah." He shrugs.

"I am so sorry you had to watch my YouTube content. Do you sing?" You chuckle and look at him. He grabs his laptop and shows you a YouTube page. "Natewantstobattle, huh?" You smile as you listen to songs like "Salvaged" and "Ashes".

"Damn, that's metal as hell. But like, cool as shit." You nod. He thanks you in response.

"But seriously, how in the hell do I have as many subscribers as you?" You laugh. He shrugs with a chuckle.

"You rock!" You grin at him.

"You like them?" He asks, looking genuinely surprised.

"Dude, this is killer. Yeah." You nod sincerely. An alarm rings on your phone.

"I hate to cut the party short, but I have to go. Let's do this again, yeah?" You smile.

"Yeah." He beams as you leave.

He seems pretty chill.

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