Verse 16

418 21 4

You and Nate decided to watch a movie. You cuddle on the couch and eat some popcorn. It's nice. You two laugh and make references throughout the entire movie. Suddenly your phone buzzes. It's from your sister.

Sis💜: hey,,,,,, You know how the wedding's in 2 weeks, right? Something came up, it's actually been pushed to a couple days from now! Don't hate me love you!

You almost drop your phone.

"Nate! We have to pack!!" You yelp.

"Why?" He asks.

"The wedding's in three days! Three days!" You dash to your closet and grab a suitcase. You run to your room and start shoving clothes in it.

"I gotta go get my clothes! Is that ok? I'll be right back, I promise!" Nate makes a mad dash for his room. You keep shoving clothes in your bag until it's full.

"Whew." You sigh. Nate runs back in with a bag.

"Why not catch our plane a bit early then?" He smiles, holding out two plane tickets. You grin brightly.

"Actually?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Yes, and if we don't leave soon, we will actually miss our flight! Let's go!" He says as he grabs your hand and you both rush out the door. You hardly address the situation as Nate pulls you out of your apartment and into a cab.
"Airport please." He shoves a $50 into the driver's hand and buckles his seatbelt. You do the same. He smiles.

"You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Apologies for shitty writing

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