Verse 4

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"Is it okay?" Nate fidgets with his hands as you listen to his new song, "unaligned". You flash him two thumbs up with a grin. His face gets red as he laughs.

"Thanks." He smiles brightly.

"Seriously, I cannot comprehend how you have less subs than I do. Like, it's upsetting. You're so good." You smile back at him.

"Why are you so nice to me? I genuinely don't understand how a human can just be so nice right off the bat." Nate blushes.

"Well, I'm nice to nice people, I guess." You shrug.

"Well, thanks. Times have been tough, so to speak." He runs his fingers through his hair.

"You seem tense." You jokingly stare at Nate intensely.

"Nice observation." He laughs lightly.
You suddenly lose control of your mouth.

"Y'know about that fair in town? Today's the last day. Maybe it'd help you loosen up, have some fun?" You shrug.

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" Nate raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know, am I?" You smirk.

"Okay. Let's go!" Nate stands up and starts walking out of your apartment.

"Hey hey, freeloader! Grab your wallet! I'm not just gonna pay for everything." You scold him.

"Fine, fine." He laughs in surrender.

You both run out to your car, and you hop in, Nate riding shotgun.

"Alrighty. Which rides are we going to go on first?" You look over at Nate.

"Hell if I know." He shrugs.

"Let's make it up as we go." You wink, starting your car and driving off.

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