Bonus Chapter 1/3

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Why am I still doing this?
Four Years Later

"Mom!" Arianna yells.

"What?" You call back.

"Dress! Help! Hair! Aaah!!" You sigh. She's freaking out.

"Arianna, it's just a school dance. It's not that big a deal." You say as you walk to your daughter's room.

"Yeah it is!! I have to look nice otherwise, you know how many boys will ask me to dance? Zero!" She sighs frustratedly. You open her door. She looks at you with her pleading brown eyes.

"Cmon! You have to help me! Please!"

"Okay.." you sigh, giving in.

"Any ideas?" You ask.

"I was thinking maybe the blue dress?"

She asks. You snap and point at her. "With your hair curled, gold earrings and those black ribbon flats." You smile as her eyes light up.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" She squeals as she squeezes your waist.

"Anytime." You smile and kiss her forehead.

"Mom?" You hear a voice call.

"Oh, gotta go." You smile. You walk into Alex's room to see him with a marker in his hand and a piece of paper on his bed.

"What colour are your eyes?" He asks.

"E/C, why?" You giggle.

"For you and daddy's anniversary ca-" he smacks his hand over his mouth.

"I've said too much!" He dramatically gasps.

"It's okay." You ruffle his hair.

"FIVE AM!!" You heat Scott yell.

"Oop, be right back." You smile and run over to Scott's room.

"Mum, I got five am. What am I doing wrong?" He whined.

"Who was it?" You tilt your head to the side a tiny bit and smile.

"Foxy." He groaned.

"Remember, flashlight, not mask." You smile.

"I AM BRAIN DEAD. Thanks mum!" He smiles.

"Hmm..." You look at him.

"What?" He asks, mimicking your head tilt perfectly.

"You look so much like your dad." You smile.

"Hey, Y/N?" You hear Nate call from downstairs.

"Speak of the devil.." You giggle. You walk downstairs to see Nate with a notepad in his hand.

"I got nothing!" He sighs frustratedly. You look over his shoulder and see he's trying to write chords.

"Maybe try an F instead of an F minor." You whisper.

"What would I do without you?" He smiles and pecks your cheek.

"You'd cease to be a box boy." You grin.

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