Verse 7

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A Week Later uwu

You ask Nate a stupid and very bold question.
"Wanna have a sleepover?" You laugh as his face goes red.

"I, uh, you-" He stammers.

"We can have it at my place." You grin.

"Okay?" He sighs as he grabs a pikachu onesie and follows you to your apartment. You grab your Pusheen/ Duck/Frog onesie and smile as you open your door.

"Mi casa, su casa." You laugh as Nate rolls his eyes. You set up sleeping bags in front of the TV and run to the bathroom to get changed. You close the door and widely grin like a maniac. You start humming as you pull your hair into a braid/pigtails/ponytail/bun and laugh. Suddenly you jump as Nate knocks on the door.

"Hurry up! I need to change too Y/N!" You groan.

"Hey! It's not my fault the female species is hardwired to take forever in the bathroom! You can just change out there! I live alone!"

"Fine, but don't come out." He laughs.

"What-ever, cratewantstobattle. As if you don't want me to." You smirk. After a while, you're both just laying in front of the tv eating snacks, talking, and nerding-out.

"We should totally go to the fair again sometime." You smile.

"As if you need to ask. That was awesome." He chuckles.

"The only thing more awesome than the fair itself is my ultimate superiority over you." You wink.

"Oh what, you mean in bumper cars where I absolutely destroyed you?" He asks, causing you to gasp and start laughing.

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