Verse 17

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You pull your outfit on and check the mirror one more time. You make sure to put on clear mascara so that it won't drip when you cry during your speech. Your sister walks in to see you.

"Y/N, you look beautiful." She covers her mouth and smiles at you.

"You look like a goddess compared to me. You nervous?" You smirk.

"Oh no, I'm totally confident. Of course I'm nervous Y/N!" She shakes your shoulders. You put your hands up in surrender. She smiles.

"Wish me luck!" She says as she walks out. You smile. She's grown up so fast. You run yourself through your speech one more time and walk out. You walk up to the front with Nate. He's one of the groomsmen, and you're the maid of honour. You stand right next to your sister. She gestures to you, and you stand at a little stand on your right.

"I would know this more than anyone, that your future with (make up a name) is brighter than the reflection on those earrings." You smile as the crowd laughs.

"You were always, and forever will be my very best friend, and the best sister this earth has seen so far." You turn to the groom.

"Take care of her. If you don't, well, I won't say it here. Don't wanna scare the kids." You wink as everyone laughs once again at your speech. You do a little bow and return to your sister's side.

"How'd I do?" You whisper.

"Horrible." She smirks.

"Shut up. I'd like to see you give a speech at my wedding." You smile as you lightly elbow her.  She laughs before covering her mouth.

"What? Already regretting your choice in men?" You joke.

"No! It's nothing." She rolls her eyes.

"Whatever," You giggle.

"I did fabulous." You do a hair flip and she laughs quietly.

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