Verse 22

372 18 0

You and Your sister are out on a coffee date, cause Nate didn't want you around for some reason. You're both basically just window shopping.

"That dress is really cute!" She says.

"Yeah." You sigh.

"Wait!" You almost screech.

"What?" Your sister laughs.

"We should use that dress as the bridesmaids dresses!!" You shake her shoulders and she squeals.

"Yes!" She yells and you run into the store, asking the cashier to reserve four of the dresses. Lucky for you, the cashier says yes and you run out, grinning wildly. You feel a buzz in your pocket and see the caller name.

Box Boy ♥️

You pick up your phone.
"And who exactly would this be?" You smirk.

"It's your husband, or soon to be at least." Nate laughs on the other end.

"Husband sounds weird. I don't like it. You're still my Box boy! Anyways, I bought the bridesmaids dresses!!" You giggle.

"Nice, but who's even going to be the bridesmaids?" He says.

"Well, Steph, duh, probably Dodger, and one of my old college friends." You smile.

"Okay." He says, laughing a bit.

"When's it gonna be?" You ask.

"What?" He replies.

"Oh, you know what." You laugh.

"I don't know, a month maybe?" He suggests.

"Yeah, that'd work." You smile.

"Oops, gotta blast, my sister's probably getting super jealous of our perfect relationship. Love you!" You say and hang up the phone. You run after your sister, yelling at her to slow down.


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