Verse 13

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You grab Nate and run to a store.

"Um, Y/N?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I need an outfit!" You practically shout.

"And I have no female friends here! I need your help..." You beg.

"Fine." He sighs. You look through what feels like dozens of outfits, before deciding on the simple dress/ fancy dress/ cute Jacket/ flowy skirt and beam.

"Look at me! Ooh, work. Work. Work. Yes Queen." You laugh as Nate rolls his eyes.

"Is that your final decision?" He asks.

"Of course not!" You smile.

-3 Hours Later-

You look through all the hotels.
"Let's stay at this one. It's moderately cheap and it's not shabby." You click on a hotel and talk to Nate.

"Sure!" He smiles. You book a room and grin.

"Hey, wanna do something fun?" Nate laughs. You tilt your head to the side.


"It's a surprise." He smirks. He grabs your keys. You raise your eyebrows and follow him. You hop in your car and he starts driving.

"Close your eyes." He smiled. After driving for about half an hour, he tells you to open your eyes and you take his hand.

"Where are we?" You ask. He opens the door and you find yourself in a place so sweet, you could only dream of it.

"And what exactly did I do to deserve this? An explanation is required."

You beamed. You were at a cute little coffee shop with little navy blue and yellow flags hanging from the ceiling. There was a little guitar on the stage, and there was a sheet stand. Nate walked up to the stage and spoke into a microphone.
"Okay, all you staff should know what to do. Y/N, just sit down and relax." He smiled. You took a seat in front of the stage.

"This song is dedicated to you,
Y/N, obviously. It's called Sunshine." He picked up the guitar and started to sing.


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