Verse 19

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You cover your mouth in awe, because you know exactly what's about to happen. You can feel tears welling in your eyes.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. No no no no, I wore mascara today dammit!" You laugh wetly as you roughly wipe your eyes. He smiles when he sees your face.

"We've been together only for one year, but that's all I need.

Y/F/N, will you-"

"Yes! Obviously, yes!" You say and start sobbing.

"Get over here." You beckon to him and he pulls you into a hug, you still sobbing into his shoulder. You hear clapping, and the door opens to reveal, your sister, the groom, and your entire family. You wipe your tears and smile.

"What is this?" He beams.

"I thought they'd want to see you react as much as I did." Your sister and your mom come into the room and give you a hug. Your sister walks up to Nate and stares him down.

"None of my life is private now! Okay." You roll your eyes.

"Hurt my sister, and I will find you. Understand me?" She stares right through him.

"Okay, got it." He puts the ring on your finger.

"It's amazing." You are actually still crying. He smiles.

"Well." Your eyes widen.

"We have to plan! What the-" you frantically pace around.

"You'll help me, right?" You ask your sister.

"No Y/N. I'm gonna desert your sobbing ass!"  You smile. She gives you a hug.

"Wow, you really are sisters." Nate remarks. He kisses you and you can't stop laughing. You hear what they say, right?

Shit goes down at a wedding.

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