Verse 9

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(If you haven't noticed, verses are your POV, and choruses are Nate's)

You wake up next to Nate and smile. "Hey, I choose you to wake up." You laugh as you poke Nate repeatedly until he wakes up. He groans.

"Lemme sleep Y/N..." You poke him again.

"No. You annoyed me last night, now it's my turn." You ruffle his black hair under his pikachu onesie hood. He grins and finds his glasses. He shoves them on his face, and goes to change.

"Bye bye, Cratewantstobattle." You say in a sing-song voice.

"I'm not leaving." He laughs.

"Damn. I got my hopes up." You pretend to pout. After he comes back in a T-shirt and some jeans, he flops back on your bed with you.

"I know what we should do." You giggle.

"What?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Anime." You snicker.

"Yeah." He laughs back.  You watch anime for the next while before you decide that you're hungry.

"Hey! I may be a girl but I'm not a housewife. What are you gonna cook yourself?" You call.

"Oh! Gimme a sec." Nate jogs down the hall and comes over to you.

"Where's your toaster? You do have a toaster, right?" He asks. You point to the cabinet and roll your eyes. He makes himself some toast while you eat (pick a breakfast food).

"I gotta film something, be right back." You wave and run into your recording room.

"Come ooooon...." He sighs.

"Hey! You gotta film something too, ya big baby!" You blow a kiss and close the door. You start to sing a song you wrote and upload it. You see a comment and burst out laughing.

Musicfan123 wrote:Y/N! Where've you been? With Nate I presume? 😉😉

You show Nate the comment and he almost chokes on his toast. You both howl with laughter.

"My subs are smarter than yours~" You tap his nose and continue to laugh.

Shit dude I forgot how trashy my writing was a year ago.

(mira looks at her writing and cries at how bad it is. (Circa. May 2019, colourized.)

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