All Posters Go

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"Come here!" I said and pulled Rachael into a hug. She looked as if she were about to cry of happiness I'm assuming. To cheer her up a bit I threw her over my shoulder. "CC what are you doing?" she laughs and lightly hits my back with her hands. "we're going on an adventure!" "To where?" "To NARNIA!" I shouted and started to run. "What about Lauren?" she ask as I am still Running. I didn't really answer "FOR NARNIA!!" i held up my hand as if I was going to battle. We got into the parking lot. When I put her down she couldn't stop laughing. We waited for Lauren and talked.

Rachael's POV:

I was so happy. I just couldn't believe so much happened in one day! I was with two of my idols, and they might adopt me. This could go great or terribly wrong. "So when we get back to your room I can help you pack your stuff" "Ok" I smiled we sat in the backseat waiting for Lauren CC called her and she was going to one more store before we left. I was getting really tired. "You look super tired" CC noted. "yea I am" "You can rest your head on me if you want." without a word I rested my head on him and fell asleep.
"Sweetheart wake up" CC said calmly. "we are going to pack up your stuff. "ok" I say still half asleep. We walk up the steps and get to my room. I go in my closet and grab my suitcase and start putting all the clothing CC wouldn't want to pack you know bras and surf like that. He started taking down posters and Lauren was talking and signing papers at the front desk. "You have a LOT of posters!" "haha yea I never really noticed until recently when I couldn't fit any mire on that wall" "you seem very passionate about music" "I have always loved music ever since I was little I was listening to Green Day and AC/DC. My mom definitely had a good taste in music. My dad never really accepted me. He would always push me away and play video games with my brother" I cringed thinking about my family. "You have a bother?" "He's in Jail." "I'm sorry to hear that." "Don't be he needs to be there"

Lauren's POV:

I got all the paper work signed and we were approved to take Rachael out of his place. It took about two hours so after that was done I went to see CC and Rachael. When I opened the door the room was white and there wasn't covered in posters CC was asleep next to Rachael. I lightly tapped him to wake him up. "Wha- oh hey beautiful, how did everything work out?" "it all worked out fine. We are allowed to go home now." He got a big smile on his face. And picked Rachael up to take her out to the car.

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