Small Red Drops

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Coma's POV:

I walked to the bathroom checked my phone I had about an hour till Kz gets here. I look at my wrist and think

what if Ashley finds out? Would he leave me? Would he leave the band?

With that thought I put my razor down.

I can't believe I still think these things. I should think about how good my life is and how other people would give their right arm to have my life. That only makes me feel worse. I head up to my room to write some lyrics. Maybe Kz will help me record. I soon find myself falling into a day dream.

Rachael! I loovvveeee you! says a very drunken Ashley.

Sweetie you should go to bed, come here.

You are the besssssst.

I know, I know, just get to sleep. I started to walk out

Rachael! Wait!

What Ash...

Please stay

I flashed back to reality with the ring of a door bell. I realized I still had the blade on the counter. I threw it under the sink and ran to see Kz.

Hey guys if you are reading my other fanfic A Perry Puppy I have updated it... Please read it from the first chapter again because I have added minor details that are very important! Thank you Ich leibe dich! <3

Christian Coma Adopted MeWhere stories live. Discover now