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Ashley's POV:

Today Rachael CC Chris and I are going to hang out at the mall. I talked to CC about having Rachael move in with me. I picked out a house close to their place so we could visit often. I think CC is doing ok with the whole lady situations. I saw he was talking to some one at the bar a few days ago. I'm glad he's getting back up on his feet. I also asked CC a much more important question I plan to tell Rachael about later when we get her stuff into the house.

what if she says no... UGH mind stop she will say yes I know she will

Chris' POV:

Ashley was talking to me and we're going to take Rachael to get a piercing and hang out with my brother, but he was also saying how he was going to ask her to move in. His eyes light up whenever he talks about her. He really cares about her.

Coma's POV:

I decided to get a lip ring. I love it! We said goodbye to Nick(Chris' brother) after and went to Guitar Center because Chris was picking up some stuff Ricky ordered.

I was walking around looking at all the drum sets.

Boo!! I scream and jump away. It was Chris...

CHRIS!!!! Oh my God! You're the worst!!

I try. I try.

Hey why don't you pick on someone your own size? I teased him.

Because there's no one else my size.

Fine Mr. Sassypants if you don't mind I'm going to bug Ashley about how mean you are.

Do it! And on a serious note we should be out of here in like 10 minutes.

Ok I'll let CC know.

We get finished up there and we all head our separate ways Chris goes home and when we get home Ashley takes me into the little recording studio downstairs. He tells me to sit and listen. He goes into the other room and picks up the guitar and starts playing a song I don't know. I realized that this is a song he wrote. After he finished, I stood up and hugged him.

It was beautiful! I loved it!

I'm so happy you liked it. I have another question thought...

and that would be?

Rachael would you like to move in with me?


Hey guys guess who's back! back again! Coma's back tell your friends! No but seriously I have missed you guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated I really am!! I hope you like this one only a few more to go!!

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