My Story

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Coma's POV:

So it's been three years since that all happened. Three amazing years. I was saved by people who I never will forget. I am married to the man of my dreams. They helped me over come things I never thought possible. I get to go on tour with them because I am their merch girl. I get to spend all my days with the people I love.

Most of all though, I have to thank CC and Lauren. Even though I didn't spend much time with Lauren, she is still a HUGE part of why I am still here. Dad got married to a lovely woman, she is so sweet.

As of now, Ashley and I have adopted a son. His name is Benjamin Purdy he is 17, and I want him to learn from this. To show him that it is possible to make it through losing your parents. Ashley and I are raising him and I'd say we're the best fucking parents on the God Damn planet. He is going to grow up and look back and say"I'm fucking lucky to have someone who went through the same shit I have to" He will learn from our mistakes and his own to make his way through life.

You know what? So can you. You have blood in your veins, air in your lungs, and you have a chance. A chance to do something weather it be to change the world or teach someone or even to learn. So don't give up. I made it, so can you. I promise you, you can make it through any situation. Even though my story is over yours can begin. I believe in you that's all that matters. Dear anyone willing to read, I love you all. From my dear Ashley to my brother who is locked where he needs to be, I love you all.


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