Follow Your Heart

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Hey guys it's been a while :) I really NEED some feed back please! I don't know what I should do differently or if it's ok the way it is.

Coma's POV:

I walk out side and sit in the grass. I close my eyes and open them to a beautiful face hovering inches away from my face. "Hey sweetie" "Ash " I giggle and sit up. "What?" he says defensively "Shut up " I say laughing. He kisses my cheek. "What was that for?" "Well they always say 'Kiss me I'm Irish' so I kissed you because you're Irish." "You're a weirdo. But a cute one at that." "I know right" I laid back down with my head in Ashley's lap.
"I don't want you to leave" I say quietly. "He pulls me up onto his lap and hugs me. "I know I don't want to leave" "I guess it will be good though we haven't been away from each other in the last two months" he chuckled. He grabbed his iPod and put on When You Can't Sleep At Night by OM&M. I always listen to this after I have a nightmare or just if I'm having a bad day the song is so peaceful. I drifted off to sleep in his arms.


I looked out the window and saw Ashley and Coma out in the yard asleep. I was really happy they were together. I went downstairs to make some breakfast. I hear the door open it's Coma and Ashley. Their laughing and having a good time, but how ? Lauren died yesterday... A phone rings. I can tell its Coma's because it's in German and it's her voice. 'Typical' I laugh to myself. She got a worried look that soon turned to anger. "Who. did .this. to. her." she growls between gritted teeth. I look right at her. Ashley is worried about what happening "WHO!?" she yells. "Yea sure" she hung up "We need to get to the hospital" we just looked at her. "FINE I'LL ILLEGALLY DRIVE MYSELF IF YOU TWO ARE JUST GONNA STARE AT ME!" she screams and spins on her heel. Ashley runs in front of her while I grab the keys and run to the car they get in the back seat. I didn't dare ask what happened on the phone, I knew Ashley's curiosity would get the best of him... "What did they say" he quickly regretted asking. She growled at him and looked out the window. He looked at me with questioning eyes. I didn't know what to say about it.

Coma's POV:

Dr. Keim told me she was poisoned. I don't believe that load of bull. So I'm going to talk to him first hand I need to see it ... I didn't want to believe it and the worst part is we didn't know who did it

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