Racing The Wild Ones

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A/N do you guys read my titles or are they not important??? This is going to be a long chapter!!

Rachael's POV:

We took off down the field onto he hill. We ran up and back into the corn field like we used to. I really missed this. "UP! Up! "she loved this we went back to the barn really quick for a water break I took off her saddle and sponged her off a little bit. I went tho the small tack room I remembered so well. CC Lauren and Lynne (The owner of Tori) were all there discussing something and stopped when I walked up. "What's going on?" I asked casually taking a sip of my water. "I want to give you Tori back" and with a blink of an eye there was no water in my mouth but all over the floor."What?!?" "I saw how Tori ran to you and I saw how you picked up on all the basics again. Then you're beautiful jumping two-point! It was amazing!" I blushed and looked at the floor,"then the racing! Ok well any way I'm getting to old to give her proper exercise and I wan you to have her" "How much?" "No charge" "I can't let you do that! I can pay you from when I first sold sold her to you" "nope I wont accept it" I still have the cash and I couldn't spend it so I laid it down on the table Lauren and CC and didn't know what say. "Take it or I'm just going to leave it here and someone else can take the money Lynne" she looked shocked but took the money "Thank You Lynne" I hugged her. "I can't believe you handled that so well"CC said. "I know it was the other was the other way around when I was selling her" I smiled.
I went to Tori."We're back Tori! Us girlie!" she whinnies "Yea girl I don't have the patients to put on a saddle so let's go!" "Not enough patience to put on a saddle? Is that Rachael I hear?" "MACKENZIE!!" I ran up to her and hugged her. Boy I'm a real hug junkie! "I hear you got Tori back from what I heard you two talking about. She almost talks to you!" "She's amazing! How's your mare? Thoroughbred right?" "yep Alex is great I don't think we'll ever have a bond like you two." she laughs. "And who is this" CC asks. Mckenzie's jaw dropped. "Y-You're Christian Coma. From b-Black Veil Brides" "In the flesh!" "Dad this is Mckenzie! My best friend ever!!" "Did you say 'DAD'?" "He adopted me." I smiled at my feet. "oh my god!" she whisper screams. "So I can say my best friend Is Rachael Coma!" we start laughing uncontrollably. "Yea I guess you could I finally said. I put the bridle on Tori. Mckenzie put Alex in the stall next to ours. Cc and Lauren were watching. "so do we wanna race like old times?" I ask with an evil smirk on my face. "we'll see if you still got it!" "you'll choke on my dust!" "oh yea..." she couldn't think of anything better so we started laughing. "no saddle typical Rachael looking for death!" "I embrace Death!" I open my arms to the sky. I quick get on and get ready for the race. "do You know the course?" "'do you know the course?'" I mimicked, "Yes I know the course like the back of my hand! Dad count us down!" "ok 3! 2! 1! GO!" we took off. We have always been faster than Alex and Mckenzie. But we're neck and neck full out gallop and about to get to the first turn at the 'Sasquatch territory' an old camp story we used to tell.
All the memories were distracting me. She was a little behind us but was coming in faster. We missed our turn and there is an electric fence up ahead. "RACHAEL!" Mckenzie screams. "Tori you know what to do" I whispered to her. We were right in front of the fence and she Flew over the fence into a pasture with horses in it we flew over the next fence and we are in the next pasture. All the horses are running around which makes it hard for me. But without harm we made it back to the field. And galloping back to the barn we go I let out a rebel yell "WHOOOO!" we made it back to the barn I'm so full of adrenalin I can tell tori is too. "You won that we missed our turn" "what are you talking about you could have died" I just laughed. "Guess who got that all on video!" Lauren yelled. "No you didn't!" "oh yes I did!" "Oh my god Rachael! Are you ok? Is Tori ok? You could have died!" CC exclaimed "Dad I'm fine Tori's fine where all fine. Its ok" "no Rachael what if something bad happened to you"

/////what will happen to Rachael & CC???

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