I Need A Break

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Coma's POV:

I woke up and call Kz.

K-Hey Coma!
C-Hey they guys have a few more signings and I was wondering if you want to come and like live with me this week ha ha!
K-Yea that would be fun I'll be at your house later tonight ok?
C-Yeperz see ya!

I hung up. I get back int bed and look at Ashley. He has his eyes closed but he has a slight smile on his face and I can tell he's awake. "Ich Leibe Dich" "What?" I opened one eye. "It's I love you in German" "That's cool I didn't know you spoke German" "only a little bit I can sing Sacred by Tokio Hotel" "Who?" "Never mind" I laugh. "well I'd love to hear you sing it sometime" he kissed my cheek. I get butterflies whenever I'm around him. "How did I ever get so lucky?" I state out loud. "I ask myself the same thing everyday" he states. "You have to leave soon" I say sadly. "we will take the van at noon" "Ok take care of dad ok he's not taking Lauren's death very well." "She died?" he whispered. I looked down sadly and nodded. He put his arms around me"I'm so sorry" he said quietly a single tear left my eye. Ashley whipped it away for me.

"Coma look at me" I kept my head down "Coma" I looked at him. "don't do anything stupid while I'm gone ok?" "What do you mean?" "The first day I met you I saw your scars..." I stood up and grabbed my little book and started flipping through pages until I found it. I handed him the book on it was lyrics most of them were ones he wrote. "What is this?" "lyrics that helped me cut less than I did...there are at least 10 pages of lyrics. I would be dead if it weren't or you" I walk out of the room. "I'll be back I just need a break from everything right now"

Christian Coma Adopted MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin