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Coma's POV:

I woke up to Andy yelling to some one. I pull Jinxx's arm off me and sneak to Bunk Alley. "You know that's my girlfriend! Does she know it was you?" "No" an unfamiliar once says. I almost recognize the voice I think when I hear foot steps and I casually start walk forward so they not suspect anything, but I walk straight into Dahvie Vanity. "Oh. My. God. You're Dahvie! From BOTDF. On BVB's tour bus? " "Oh just stopping by to say hey to the guys" he says quickly glancing at Andy and back to me. It would have gone unnoticed, but I knew something was up. "It's so nice to meet you" I put my hand out to shake his hand but he pulled me in for a hug. "Typical I heard Andy mutter. Dahvie left and I went to talk with Kz.

Three days later..

Kz's POV:

I talked to Andy he said he knew who it was and he would take care of it. I guess it worked Because I haven't gotten any other from Andy. He always find a way to make me smile. Like yesterday, he got us batman & robin matching pjs. They get to go on main stage tomorrow. Coma and I will be staying on the bus for that, hopefully Purdy doesn't get sick. He's been feeling nauseous all night.

Ashley's POV:

I feel like crap we are supposed to preform main stage tomorrow. I think I might ask Coma to play and I will go to signing. She is definitely ready she has all the songs off all our records down even the ones on the next record, but we won't be playing those yet for obvious reasons.

Coma's POV:

I'm in my bunk with Ash. He is so sick but I hope he is able to play. "Hey Rachael" uh oh this will be good he only uses my real name when it's something serious. "Yea Ashers" he laughs a bit but regrets it right away. "Can you... Um ... Play bass for me tomorrow?" "Ash I don't know-" "I promise I'll watch and I'll be at the signing after but I just can't play in the sun like this. Like what if I throw up on a fan and make them hate the band forever?" "Ashley I really doubt-" "I'm being serious what if something happens?"

Christian Coma Adopted MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon