Farm Sleepovers

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Sorry guys on my iPad I can't get the italicizes or bolder stuff ;-;


"COMA!!! I was thinking we should go see the horses since Lynne has been taking care of them. Knowing her they're probably very fat now!"

"Oh yea! We should sleepover there then ride in the morning"

"That would be great!!"

"OHHH!! I have to call the PTV guys!!"


"I promised them I would give them pony rides"I laugh.

I quick pull out my phone and pull up my contacts to find 'Turtle'





"Coma! What's up?!"

"Are you guys free tonight and tomorrow??"

"by guys im assuming you mean the rest of the band"

"yes stupid" I giggle

"yea we have two weeks off. What did you have planned?"

"You know how I promised you Pony rides?"

"You're kidding! You meant it?!?"

Yes I meant it get the rest of the guys tell them to bring sleepover stuff."

"Ohhhhh! I feel like a thirteen year old girl going to my first sleepover! What time?"

"Nice Tony umm meet us at Dads house at 4:30" I laugh,"See you then!"

"Can't wait to see Tori!"

"I have my sleep stuff in the car so I can help you get ready!" Kz says.


We race up to my room I pull out a back pack shoving some riding clothes inside. Kz is getting my night stuff together such as pillows, blankets. I quick run out to the garage to look for a tent. After about 15 minuets I finally found one.

Now it's waiting time!

***About a half an hour later***


I laugh and grab the door with Kz right behind me.

"Ok so I need you guys to follow me there ok?"

They were silent.

"well ok... Who's going with Kz and I ?"

"I can take everyone" Vic says

"you have the seating for everyone but with all the stuff plus I have my tack and I don't want to get horse hair all over your car so you guys just follow Kz"

"You really need a drivers license" Jamie states.

"Yea I know, I just don't want to.. I guess I'm just lazy"

We headed off. When we got there first thing the guys did was out up the tents and put the sleeping bags inside. Kz and I got our horses out.

I walked down to Tori's pasture

I bring her in and feed her, brush her, and tack her which takes about an hour. Kz and I get on and head up the the round pen we will be riding in. The guys still don't have the tent up. They look like they dont know what they are doing. I don't bother and head into the pen with Kz.

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