Doctor's Charts

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A/N hey guys I wanted to know if I should start writing another fan fiction? It would be about PTV and I don't know weather I should just start or wait till I finish this one please let me know what you think :)

Doctor's POV:

"Mr. & Miss Coma..." they stood up and walked towards me with tired eyes. I hate this part of the job. We have been here for hours trying our best. They were patiently waiting and hoping. "Im sorry but she didnt make it" ilooked down,"Im so sorry we tried our best... But Lauren's heart stopped, but it wasn't because of her injuries. We'll have preform some tests to find out what... Ended her life." I didn't even know the woman but I'm very upset about this aswell.


I stood up and walked away. I didn't get to tell her I loved her. I didn't get to marry her. I didn't get to kiss her lips one last time. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up with tears in my eyes. It was Rachael. She sat down next to me and hugged me. "I love you dad" "I love you too Rachael" we sat like that for a while. "She wouldn't want us to be like this" she said to me. "I know I just need to let my emotions run for a bit" "Ok I'm going to head home I called Ashley he's going to take me bake to our house you guys have a signing in two days in LA. So I'll stay home or go and have a sleepover with Kz at her apartment or something." "Ok be safe." she smiled and walked over to where Ashley said he would meet her.

Coma's POV:

I waited a few minuets at the sidewalks for Ashley to pull up. I got a scary feeling that some one is watching me. I looked back and no one was there. Ash pulled up and I quickly got in the car. "Whats the rush?" "I thought someone was following me" "It was probably the wind" "Yea you're right" he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

Ashley's POV:

I saw how tense she was. We drove back to her house and I didn't want to leave her in the house alone. I took her hand a led her up to her room. I tucked her into her bed and slipped next to her. "Ashley baby" "Coma baby" she giggled. "You," I poked her nose,"Are so cute." she smiled and hid her face in my chest. "ihh luuuhhhh Uhh." "What?" I laughed. She lifted her head a bit and said,"I love you" "I love you so much more than you could ever imagine" "Ash.." "No it's true." she kissed my chin and Luther head on my shoulder. She soon after fell asleep. I hear the door downstairs open I glance out the window and see CC's car in the driveway. He came up the steps and opened Coma's bedroom door. "hey" he whispered. "Is it ok if I crash here tonight?" he had big bags under his eyes and his face was red. "Yea I'm gonna crash on the couch if you need me" "Night bro." I wonder how Lauren is I didn't ask Coma. Well she wasn't crying when I picked her up so Laure should be fine.

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