Purdy Girl

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Rachael's POV:

I woke up with arms tight arms around me. I look up and see Ashley looking down at me. He quickly moves his and tries to sit up while whispering,"I ... Umm.. Sorry..." "Ashley shut up" I giggle a bit and sat up next to him. "last night you sang Sally's Song" I suddenly get really tense and self conscious. "Yea.." "No need to be tense," he put his arm around me I leaned into him,"I just wanted to say it was beautiful" my cheeks turned a deep shade of red."You really think so?" "Yea you have a really amazing voice" "That really means a lot" he smiles. I cuddle into his chest it was really cold because Andy hogged the blanket from us. "woah what's going on here?" Jinxx says waking up I keep my eyes closed."Andy stole the blanket from us" "yea sure" Jinxx laughs,"but you two would be really cute together" "you're funny man" "I wasn't joking dude well I'm going to head home I'll see you later is Coma awake?" I nod my head. "If I don't see you I'll see you on Tour" I give him a hug goodbye."Youre coming on Warped with us?" "mhm" And put my head back on Ashley's chest. But when I moved I accidentally kicked Andy and he woke up. "Ash what the fuck is going on here?" "absolutely nothing!" we say at the same time.i start to laugh at the situation. But they both just look at me. "what?" "I can picture it" Andy says. "Picture what?" Ashley says. "Coma And Ashley sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Andy sings. Again I laugh but Ash seems mad. "would you shut up!" he yells. I felt so awkward I just went up to my room.

Ashley's POV:

I feel so bad I think I scared Rachael when I yelled. "should I go talk to her?" I ask Andy. "I would" I walked quietly up the stairs. Her door was partly open and I could see in she was playing Done For You on her keyboard. She sang it beautifully but she stopped singing to while a tear away. That's when I knew I needed to step in. "Rachael are you alright ?" "Yea I'm fine" "Rachael? Are you fine or are you just saying that?" "What do you think Ash?" she wipes another tear away. I pull her into my lap and stroke her hair "it's going to be fine." "thanks Ash" "no problem Coma" I smile. Her phone goes off. "I've never heard that song before who's it by?" she laughs "I wrote this one" "No you didn't! This is amazing!" "Not really there is no bass and no lyrics I have parts written for them but I can't play bass so that's an issue. Now I feel really stupid sitting next to my favorite bass player." "you're not stupid you just never learned. Favorite bass player? I feel special" "yea you and Jamie Preciado!" "Shit watch out you got competition Purdy!" CC says as he walks in "There are Muff-" "MUFFINS!!" After she left CC said "You two would be cu-" "Shut it CC" "what you know it's true!" I sigh and walk down the steps and see Jake and Rachael inhaling muffins. "Andy leave?" "yea" CC said.

A/N ooooh!! Coma and Ashley! So what will happen?!?!? :)

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