Love Letters

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Hey guys I'm not going to be able to post often because of school do I will try to post as much as I can ! So sorry :P

Mckenzie's POV:

I've been getting these anonymous love letters telling me how beautiful I am. The only problem their not in Andy's hand writing. I don't know what to do so I go to Coma. The guys were doing a set and it was extremely hot so we stayed on the bus. "hey Rachael?" "Yea Kz?" that's their new nick name for me. Andy came up with it. "I've been getting theses love letters with no name on it and I don't know what to do" "well how long have you been getting them?" "I got two of them total. At first I thought they were from Andy but its definitely not his handwriting," "yea your right. I would tell him when he comes back off stage." "Alright. Thanks Coma!" "Yea no problem"

Coma's POV:

It's been about an hour and a half and their at the signing table. I'm texting Ashley about literally noting at all it's all nonsense. He's so amazing. I can't believe how lucky I am. I really think I love him. This is my first real relationship with a person, But what if he doesn't love me back? They used to call him Mr. Player for a reason. I don't think I should worry about that though. "babe we're on our way back to the bus. :) -Ashes<3" "Ok we'll be here:)-Coma" "Bubble gum-Ashes<3" "Butterscotch-Coma" "Apple Pie-Ashes<3" "Shoo Fly Pie yumm!! I'm getting hungry lol-Coma" after I pressed sent they all came on the bus. " I get the shower first" Jinxx yells, "definitely Stinky Bones!" CC yells from the other side of the bus. "Daddy! How was your show?" I ask. "it was great when are you going to sing with Andy on stage?" "No No No not happening!" I quick turn to run to my bunk, but I'm pulled by waste onto Ashley's lap. "Or play bass with Ashley" CC says. "No! Social anxieties!" "oh hush you'll be perfect just like all the rest of the time you already know most of the songs on our set. "MY TURN!" Jake yells. As Jinxx steps out of the bathroom.
"what are we talking about ?" Andy says as Jinxx sits down. "How we want Coma to sing or play bass on stage with us next show." "ohh I want her to sing with me!" Andy jumps up and down like a three year old. I laughed at his childishness. "come on please?!?" Ash asks kissing my cheek. "ugh fine now go get in the shower before you get me all stinky" I push him up. "but it's my turn!" Andy whines. "actually Andy can I ask you a question?" Kz asks motioning for them to go to the other room. "yea of course babe" I rest my head on Jinxx and eventually fall asleep.

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