The date

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Hey guys this chapter is before Lucy went to the Dragneel house so don't get confused OK and sorry I didn't update I was sick

-Erza POV morning-

Hi my name is Erza and I use requip magic today there were going to be new students at our school so I had to look my best as the school class president I have to look my best for all the students so I need to get to school so I'm not late to school and make a bad impression on them when I left my house in fairy hills I went to school to go to when I went to my locker to put my books away when I was done I could see Gray and his friends talking in a corner and Gray did not have his shirt on so I went up to him and said "Gray put your shirt on please" he looked at me then kept talking "Gray put your shirt on please" I said with a deep voice but he kept talking that's when I got angry "GRAY PUT YOUR SHIRT ON" I said and he put his shirt on since I had requiped into my heavens wheel armor and when he put his shirt on I said "I better not see you without your shirt on" then I left but before I went to class I wanted to see the new students but then saw the time and hurried to my next hour when my first hour was done I went to my locker to get my books for 2nd hour and then when I was leaving my locker Jellal Fernandes my crush came up to me he gave me a note and then left with a blush on his face I had a way bigger blush when he left but then I noticed the time and ran to my 2nd hour when I got to class the bell rang I took my seat then noticed the note when I was seated I opened the note and it said


Erza could you meet me after school at Fairy café please I have something important to tell you it is important.

After I read the note I blushed like crazy and then the bell rang and I left the rest of my hours went fast and then lunch came and I remember Levy telling me that she had a new friend and wanted to show me the friend then I went to Levy's locker and saw Juvia next to Levy when I got over there we talked for a while then a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes came up to us and went next to Levy and said "are these your friends?" Levy just nodded then the blonde smiled and said "hi I'm Lucy Heartfellia" I was surprised sense her father is rich so I don't know what to think when I was done thinking I said "Hi I'm Erza Scarlet and this is Juvia Lockser she speaks in third person but you get use to it" after I said that we went to the cafeteria and when we got there we saw Gray on the floor Juvia went to him then that made me want to have Jellal to do that to her I blushed but then I saw Juvia come back with a blush then I heard Lucy say "so Juvia has a thing for Gray" "Juvia does not have a thing for Gray-sama" said Juvia but I knew she liked him breaking my thoughts I saw a crowd around a table I saw Lucy go to the table when she came back we sat down and talked I gave Lucy my phone number and so did Levy and Juvia after that the bell rang we separated ways I went to my locker and got my books and then I remembered I forgot to tell Levy and Juvia about the date I mean note why would I think it was a date when I was done thinking I went to my next hour on time when I got their I saw Juvia and then I thought I could tell her now when I went over to her and sat down next to her the bell rang again then Mr. Laxus came in and it got quite then he started talking then I got the paper that Jellal gave me and handed it to her when she read it she got an exited look on her face then she started writing on a piece of paper then gave it to me it said: do you have something to were and then I wrote on the paper: no that's why I need help when she read it she gave me a thumbs up and we went back to class when we were done with our work we got homework then the bell rang when we were leaving I remembered I never told Levy or Lucy about the note I went to find Levy when I found her talking to Lisanna she was one of the popular girls so I just waited until they stopped talking to talk to Levy when she left I went up to Levy and told her she squealed low and said yes after that I asked her if she could tell Lucy she said she would and left and then the rest of the day was the same as always.

-Levy POV-

After Erza told me about the note she told me to tell Lucy to so I went to find Lucy and then I saw her go into her 7th hour I told her and she told me that she will be their around 4 since school ended at 3 I told her to meet us at the park and she said ok after that the day was normal and we went on with our school day.

-Lucy POV-

When Levy told me about Erza I was exited because I didn't know she liked Jellal so I said yes but I forgot to tell her that I had to leave around 5 to meet my parents at a friends house but I just told myself to tell her at the park the day went on normally and then I went home and told mom that I was going to visit a friends house and she was so happy since I never had a friend so she told me I could come an 1 hour late and I was happy because that gave me more time to spend with my friends after that I went to the park and found Levy waiting next to the fountain "Hey Levy" I said "Hey Lu-chan" then I remembered to tell her "Levy I have to tell you I have to leave at 6 sorry" then Levy looked at me and said "It's ok Lu-chan you have to do your own things to" after that she took me to Erza's house well apartment it was called fairy hills when we got to her room it was big she had armor every where "Levy why does Erza have so many armors" I asked Levy she turned to me and said "well she uses requip magic" then I remembered she never told me her magic "So Levy what kind of magic do you use?" I asked Levy "I use solid script magic how about you Lu-chan" then I told her "I use summoning magic and what kind of magic does Juvia use?" I didn't know what kind of magic she used so I asked after all she is my friend "she uses water magic why?" Levy answered \asked " well I never found out what magic she uses so now I know" Levy just nod then Erza came in the room after that Juvia came when we finished saying hello I turned to Erza and asked "so do you have any dresses or formal clothes?" When I said that she nodded and showed us to a different room when we entered their was a medium bed next to the window and a small table next to it and a huge closet on the other side and next to it was a bathroom door I guessed and a small desk next to it when we went to her closet she looked at us and then we went to the closet and picked out clothes and in the middle of things I heard Erza say "guys pick something casuel because o don't know if its a date" then I thought how about a sundress something casuel for a normal day then I asked were she put the sundresses and she told me in the far end when I went to the far end I found 20 sundresses all different colors some the same color so then I came back and asked Erza "what is your favorite color" she looked at me for a while then said red then I left saying thank you and then looked for the best top five red sundresses she has and came out with them we piked out one that we all liked it went to her knees it had thin straps that were noticeable and it had a brown belt in the middle (dress is the picture) then I looked at the time and went home after saying good bye to my friends then went home and got ready for the visit

Sorry guys I didn't update in a while it was because I was sick I couldn't even get up but now I can update hope you liked it.

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