My new house

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-Natsu POV-
This is after Lucy fell asleep and everybody woke up 

After we ate and fell asleep I woke up around 10:00 to smell the air and it smelled like bacon and eggs when I smelled the air I got dressed and went down stairs and saw Lucy cooking "what you cooking" I asked while I sat down she looked at me and smiled and said "I'm cooking some bacon and eggs for the family" after she said that Wendy came down stairs on a blue and green dress and sat down to the right of me and she said good morning to Lucy and me and started to talk to me after Lucy  finished cooking mom and dad came in and sat down and we started to eat "so you guys ready we have a early wedding present" then that's when I remembered that we were getting married I didn't act surprised but then I acted surprised that they were giving us a present that could be bad if Wendy got in on it " I thought about the gift and mom and dad got it" that's when I got nerves and screamed "no Wendy helped and that means it's something bad and embarrassing don't want it please don't give it to me please" after I said that my mom told me that it was a house and that's when I was calmed down but then I saw Lucy with her face all red again and that's when I went to her and put my hand on her face "are you ok you look as if you still are sick" that's when she took a deep breath and came back to normal and then I heard mom and Wendy sigh as if it was the best thing ever but I put them to the side and asked "so when are we going to the house" that's when dad talked "we are going after breakfast so finish fast" after he said that I finished eating and went to my room and went to my closet to only see one pair of clothes I got dressed and went down stairs "why do I have only one pair of clothes in my closet" when I looked at mom she had a sorry face on so I know what she did she send all my clothes to the new house "how could you do that mom we aren't going to live their for about 2 weeks" she still had the same face on so I knew what she did "why did you think we were going to life together before the wending" I didn't shout but had a little anger in my voice she wasn't scared she had way more power than I did so I kept quite we went to the car and I asked Wendy to cast the spell Troia  on me so I can ride on the vehicle sickness dragon slayers have so we got in the car and went to the new house when we got their the house  was huge and awesome.

                    -Lucy POV-

After Natsu came back down stairs he talked to his mom and found out we are going to live in the house before the wedding so that means my clothes are at the house too when we went to the car I saw Wendy cast a spell on Natsu and then we started leaving when we got to the house it was huge we parked on the huge drive way next to the little fountain and went inside when we got in I saw a white huge stair case to the left and a door to the right and if you looked forward their was a door and it was made of glass and I could see sunlight so maybe it is a garden and next to that door was a hallway first I went up stairs I saw 6 doors and I went to one that had a king sized bed with blue  walls and white and black  bed sheets it had two small desk on each side with lamps and I could see a door to the right and left and a medium sized door with black curtains and a large droor next to the desk on the left I went to one of the doors and it had clothes inside it then I went to the other door was a white bathroom it had a huge sinks with a medium mirrors and cabinets at the bottom and a small pink chair in front of a sink next to the sink was a huge bath tub with glass around it and a big mirror to the end of the hallway and the toilet next to it when I came out I looked at the medium door I went to the medium door and went outside it was a balcony it was nice since their was a little wind out it blew my hair out then when I looked down I saw a big garden with all kinds of flowers and only a couple of trees when I was done enjoying the view I went inside and went outside the door and looked at the other door and thought they must be guest rooms and Natsu's room so I went down stairs to the hallway next to the glass door it went to a different room with 5 doors I went to one and it had a little movie theater the next was a room with a little indoor pool and connected to it was a little hot tub the next door was a living room with black couches and a flat screen T.V. I left the living room and went to the second to last door it was the kitchen it was good it had an medium oven a kitchen sink and a fridge when I was done looking at the kitchen I went to the last room and it was connected to the kitchen and it was the dining room it had a medium table with 6 seats on each side when I was done looking at the dining room I went to the glass door it went outside and when I got outside I saw a speck of pink hair going around the corner I followed it and it went to Natsu he was playing with Wendy he looked so cute and a....WAIT I'm not thinking like that of my friend he is a good friend that is all I got out of my thoughts when Wendy came up to me and started laughing "why are you laughing at me Wendy" I asked Wendy then she looked up to me and said "you were blushing when you saw nee-san" I blushed and stuttered out "Noooo I was just looking at you guys play and the sun was making my cheeks warm that's all" I could hear Wendy mutter yea right and left it was only me and Natsu outside he went and sat down under a tree then I went and sat next to him "Natsu are you ok with living together before the wedding?" I asked "well yea I guess but it will be weird if we told our friends that we lived together" he said it with his goofy grin on that's when I said well its ok I only got a couple of friends not that many" I said with a smile then I felt Natsu get up and give me his hand and said "come on lets go say good bye to mom and dad and worry about that stuff later" when he said that he was so sweet I took his hand and we went inside and said good bye to Natsu's parents they left with Wendy and then Natsu went up stairs to the big room with the clothes and I went to the living room and turned on the T.V. and watched some when I was in the middle of a movie I heard a loud thump from the kitchen I went in and saw smoke I went to the source and saw Natsu "what happened Natsu?" I asked shocked at what happened then he looked at me with a goofy grin and said "well I tried to cook some dinner but look what happened" that's when I stepped in and said "you could have told me I know how to cook" he looked at me and nodded and asked "so can you make me some food" then I remembered he never told me what food "so Natsu what do you want me to cook?" he looked at me and said "whatever you want" after he said that he went to the living room and I started cooking I cooked some hot wings since I could tell that he liked hot things and I cooked myself some mashed potatoes and stake it took at least 30 minutes to cook the food when I was done I went to the living room and told Natsu that the food was ready he went to the dining room and sat down on the first seat and I sat next to him he started eating and so did I but when I started eating he was done eating I was eating and got full so I asked Natsu if he wanted it and he ate it in one gulp I was happy because he cleaned the plate and that means that if someone gets to clean the dishes they don't have to work that hard to clean even though their is only two of us my thought were interrupted when I saw Natsu get up and go to the living room again I went to the big room and took out some sleeping clothes and went to the shower I took a shower got dressed and when I came out Natsu was sleeping on the bed and then I got angry because he was sleeping in my bed I went over to him and shoved him of bed I heard a big thump and an aww then I saw Natsu get up "Why did you do that?" he looked at me while rubbing his head "well you are  sleeping in my bed in my room" I answered he looked at me with a questioning face then he said "what do you mean your room this is my room?" I looked at him and said "what do you think this is your room it has my clothes in the closet" then he got up and went to the closet and took out some boy clothes and said "well it looks like these are my clothes" then I thought what if our parents did this I looked at Natsu and said "do you think our parents did this" then he had a surprised look on his face and then said "well I guess we will sleep in the same bed because the other rooms don't have beds jet we have to get some" when he said that I had a blush on my face then I saw Natsu get back in bed but before he fell asleep I told him "Natsu can you build a pillow wall please" when I said that he turned around and asked why I looked at him and then thought and said "because I don't want to hit you when I sleep" it was a lie but it would help when I said that he build the wall and went on one side and fell asleep and I went to the other side and when I got to bed my eyes were heavy and then I fell asleep.

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