Feelings of sadness

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Wendy POV

After going to Erza's house I felt kinda lonely like I was missing a part of my self as if my soul was split in have I was scared for Romeo and I wanted to hug him and I needed to find him but my mind and body were not thinking the same thing my mind was thinking we have to go to Romeo but my body was saying we stay here with Erza and the others I didn't which one to listen too right now I need something to distract me so I went to Juvia and said "Hey Juvia are we going to watch something ?" she nodded and said "We are going to watch a romance movie" I nodded and went to the couch and sat down and Erza put the movie in and we had some popcorn and pizza and tissues in the middle of the movie I felt like crying not because of the movie but because I miss Romeo so much I feel like if I don't get to him soon I will die why do I feel like this Natsu-nii doesn't feel like this does he?

Gageel POV

After letting Levi go I felt sick to the stomach as if I was going to vomit I felt so sick I couldn't eat iron when I got home I couldn't even eat at all as if my whole body was rejecting me for everything I didn't like this at all and to add to all that I missed Levy I really missed her event though I know where she is and what she is doing but I missed her with all my heart as if part of me is with her and I am also worried that she might be hurt like last time she might be hurt from that guy that might be coming to Erza's house I knew something was going to be of if somebody was going to Erza's house and was a guy I knew Natsu will feel this way to and Wendy might even attack him when he sees him for anything I was worried about her and Wendy and a little about the guy for what Wendy might do but I don't think she feels this way too does she?

Natsu POV

I wanted to burn down the house I was angry just angry for no reason or maybe that I let Lucy go to that slumber party knowing that a guy was coming to it something was off I knew it Wendy might be feeling sick at this and feeling that something was going to go wrong in the slumber party and Gageel might be feeling sick to the stomach no I know they feel this way because that's how I feel just a little bit more angry than both of them I knew I shouldn't have send her but she told me it was going to be ok that if something happened Erza was going to beat the guy up for what he did I trust Erza but Lucy I feel to attached to her for some reason I feel to attached as if she was glued to me for a whole year or something I just don't know I just want to go to Lucy I miss her I want to hug her kiss her and give her all she wants I know this is totally going to go wrong mating season is the worst and in a couple of days that's going to happen and I know that is going to be bad since it will scare them but I think I need t talk to Gageel and Wendy about this before next week when that happens I knew if I didn't tell Wendy soon she will go all dragon force on me.

Romeo POV

When I left Levi's house I felt sad all of the sudden as if I needed something but I didn't feel hungry or thirsty I felt normal except for how I feel as if I need to hug somebody but not just anybody I feel as if something bad is going to happen to somebody special to me somebody I care about a lot but I didn't know who that someone is like its foggy to me as if only the person I care about is all I can think of and that they know I care about them but I just cant remember or see who it is I care about way to many people and thinking of all of them is making that fogginess stronger to that person I need to find out who this person is this special person I feel connected to.

Levi POV

After leaving Gageel I felt kinda lonely and sad and weak and I wanted to eat iron for some reason but I knew I couldn't eat that it was just weird so I just walked to Erza's house and we started to watch The last song it was so sad but I couldn't concentrate on the movie I could only think of Gageel thinking ' Is he ok? does he miss me? ' I wanted to find the answer to does questions in my head but my stomach still felt bad and I still felt a little bit weak and I still wanted to eat iron I know I cant eat it but I really wanted it I really wanted to eat it but I also wanted to run over to Gageel and hug him and kiss him all over- wait stop thinking like that I need to stop thinking about iron and Gageel.

Lucy POV

When we got to Erza's house I felt like somebody was burning my body with fire like my body was on fire as if I needed Natsu like he would help me with the pain and what is going on here like I know what he is going to do but I aslo felt like eating hot food and fire and I was thinking way to much of Natsu thinking that I should have stayed with him like he asked and we could have talked all night and then fall asleep in each others arms and then wake up and e- wait what am I talking about I need to stop thinking of Natsu and concentrate on the movie or eat something so I got up and went to the kitchen and found hot sauce and went back to the living room and took one pizza slice and went back to the kitchen and put hot sauce on it and ate it didn't even feel hot it just felt a little sweet or like something that I would normally eat something is wrong with me and I know it isn't my thoughts.

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