The slumber Party

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Wendy POV

Ever since onii-chan and Lucy-chan were told about the wedding we haven't seen each other very much but since I got Romeo and Carla and my new friend Heidi-chan its been good but I really do miss onii-chan and training with him after tutoring but at least I get to talk to him today in class so I got up and took a shower and put my uniform on and then woke Carla up and went and brushed my hair and teeth then I went down stairs to mom and dad I smiled and said "good morning otou-san okaa-san" they looked up at me and smiled and said in union "good morning honey" I went to my seat and talked to dad about if I could go to onii-chan's house today he said I couldn't because they were rebuilding the house so visitors could stay so I said if we could have a sleepover with my friends and they stay here in onii-chans room otou-chan said it was ok so I'm happy about it and then mom came with our food I said thank and ate after that I said good bye to otou-chan and okaa-chan and took my lunch and left with Carla after a while we met up with Romeo and Heidi-chan on the way and I told Heidi-chan and Romeo about the slumber party and they said yes and then we separated ways to go to our first hour when I got their I was thinking if I could ask onii-chan if he could stay with us with Lucy-chan and they could have onii-chans old room yay that way they don't have to stay in a shack while they rebuild their home!! yay oh and I could ask Heidi to come and we could have a slumber party its going to be great just when I was going on the details the bell rang so I ran to my 2 hour so I can tell onii-chan the good idea so when I got to class I saw onii-chan heading my way he smiled at me then said "good morning Wendy how you doing" I smiled back and said "great onii-chan and I wanted to tell you something" he nodded to show he was listening "well I was thinking you and Lucy-chan can stay at otou-chan and okaa-chan house with me and then you don't have to stay in a shack like house" he thought for a moment then said "let me tell Lucy then I'll tell you if we can ok?" I nodded and then we sat down and then the bell rang and I was telling onii-chan all about how me and Romeo were doing and about my new friend Heidi and how we were going to have a slumber party and I just kept talking to him until the bell rang then I went to 3rd hour with him then in the middle of going to class I saw Heidi she was wearing the uniform with her long light brown hair in pigtails and she looked sad so I told onii-chan "can you come meet my friend onii-chan?" he smiled and nodded then we headed towards her when we got to her I smiled and said "hello Heidi-chan why do you look sad?" she looked up at me then behind me and she was shocked for a moment that's when I heard onii-chan say "hello its nice to meet you I'm Natsu Dragneel" she smiled and blushed then said in a shy voice "Hey I'm Heidi" I smiled and then said "onii-chan can you let me talk to Heidi-chan alone for a moment?" he nodded and headed of he knew that I meant someplace were he couldn't here us at all so when I couldn't see him I looked over at Heidi-chan and said "I have two questions for you" she smiled and nodded and said "sure ask away" I smiled and thought then said "well why were you so sad?" she frowned and said "you know those people from the other school" I nodded and said "you mean Raven Tail" she nodded and said "they have been bulling me and they have broken the camera that had all my memories in it" she was sobbing now and I hugged her now and then I saw that onii-chan was heading this way and he was talking to Levy-chan so I stopped talking and then when he was passing us he said something to Levy-chan and came hear and said "what's wrong with Heidi-chan she seems to be really sad" I nodded and said "those people from Raven tail have been being mean to Heidi-chan they broke her camera" that's when onii-chan was shocked for a moment and then he looked angry and then said "well excuse me I have to go talk to gramps for a moment" and then he left and then I saw Heidi looking at the floor and she asked "is he gone" I giggled and said yes and she looked up and she was blushing did she cry that much or is she really blushing because of onii-chan I smiled and said "so my second questions is do you like my onii-chan" she blushed harder she does ha she is really in love with onii-chan but he is going to marry Lucy-chan but I don't want to let her be even more sad so I said "you do like my onii-chan omg and I think he could hear this yay he knows yay" I was kidding with her because onii-chan was already upstairs with gramps but then she looked up at me and said "no no no this cant be no why why tell him it was fake please" I was giggling now and then said "its ok onii-chan is upstairs right now he would have heard it in a really tiny whisper" she calmed down and laughed and said "please keep my secret" I smiled and nodded and said we should go to class and when we got their I saw that onii-chan's cent was outside so I went up to the teacher and asked if I could go to the restroom he told to hurry and then let me go I went outside to see onii-chan training why us he doing that here I went up to him and asked "onii-chan why are you training you can do that at home not here?" he looked at me and smiled and said "well since one of your friends was hurt I need to do something about it and since the GMG are coming up I was thinking in singing up so I can beat who ever is doing that to your friend" I smiled then said "well can I train with you because I have to beat those people too you know she is my friend" he gave his famous grin and said "well ok but lets do that after your sleep over ok?" I smile and nodded then he took me to my class and went to his and then we met up back in lunch and we were talking about training until Heidi-chan, Romeo, Lucy-chan, and Levy-chan came and they looked happy about something so when they got to us I asked "why are you all so happy?" they looked at me surprised and then Romeo said "well we are going to your slumber party we are suppose to be happy about it" I was shocked and happy at the same time I haven't even told them about the party and it was only lunch time wow that when I saw onii-chan laughing I bet he was the one who told them about it well I might as well tell otou-chan about it now and I can invite Juvia and Erza too its going to be great so now its after school and I invited everyone to my slumber party and they all said yes even Juvia said yes I'm happy so now I'm going home with Happy, Carla and onii-chan and Lucy-chan and when we got home Lucy-chan greeted otou-chan and okaa-chan while me and onii-chan told otou-chan about the slumber party we are having and how fun its going to be and then we got stuck making the rooms for the people poor onii-chan I bet he must be tiered and want to eat and just train too so when we were doing to beds onii-chan and Lucy-chan started talking about something and then they left the room and left that room for me to do

~time skip~

After I was done with the room I went to the next room but they were all done it must have been Lucy-chan and onii-chan well let me get ready for the slumber party when I got out of my room I went downstairs and everybody was their and they were talking to one and other it was going to be fun so I went over to Romeo and Heidi-chan and waited for everyone to get to the room they were going to be in and then they came downstairs and since mom and dad took this chance to go on a date for the two of them and left us alone it was great. It is going to be great.

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