I love to fight

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Natsu POV

After a while of training we saw a bug blue circle appeared and inside was a girl with pink hair and blue eyes and then she looked up at us and we couldn't hear anything but the next thing I see is Levy and Wendy and I smiled and then they came through the portal and they said "Hey guys hurry we are in big trouble" I looked at them and ran into the portal and then I looked around and saw that I was in a house so I smiled and then I saw Lucy come through the portal and then she hugged Levi but the first thing I noticed out of all that was that in the bed was Grey, Erza and Gageel on it why are they all there are they that strong no they cant beat Erza she is even stronger than I am and I know I am strong and I know it so this is going to be fun but then I saw something that made me scared Jellal he was sulking in the corner and he was also beat I wonder what happened here I looked over at Wendy and whispered "what happened?" she looked over at me and whispered back "We got attacked and Jellal was at the base but something wen totally wrong while he was there but he wont tell us" I nodded and then went over to Lucy and said "come on guys lets go beat the crap out of those freaks" they all nodded but then I looked over at Wendy and Heidi and Willow then I said "you guys stay here it might be save for you guys to stay here and protect these guys" they all frowned but nodded.

Levy POV ~ Before Natsu and Lucy came to the house~

When I left the house I went tot eh beach to find the guys and they were on the floor and they had there hands behind their backs I went over to them and saw they had some sort of magic on their hands so I broke the magic spell and they told me what happened "Well we were going to fight until this dude he was very fast his magic was speed magic and he used a magic spell on our hand so we couldn't use magic and we were stuck here" I nodded at what Gageel said and broke all the magic spells and then I took them over to the house to see the guys in there and they were about to get Willow and Wendy was across the room and she has blood around her ankle and Heidi and Romeo where with Erza on the bed with blood going down there head and they looked more knocked out than anything else so I went over to Willow first and said "Solid Script magic: Metal" it hit him on the head and he then just stood back up but at that time Gageel and Grey thank god they were here but where is Jellal the next thing the doors opens up and I look over to see Jellal and he was beat up and he was in the hands of the guy at the party he looked over at Willow and smiled and then looked at me and grinned and he said "Willow you own us and you know it so if you want all of your new little friends then come to the main park at 12:00 pm and don't be late or the first thing we take down is you little mother here" I gulped down and then turned to Willow and she looked like she was about to cry but then I hugged her and said "its ok just keep doing the spell so this wont happen" she nodded and kept doing the spell and then they guys left and everybody was beat up so first I helped Wendy so she can help me fix everybody and when I was done with that I put everybody who was badly injured on the bed with Erza and then I started to pace around it was 12:30 am we stayed up very late but we will be fine we got more than an hour for them to come and Willow said that it will take only 3 more hours so we should be good so I layed on the bed in the next room and and fell asleep until I heard Willow scream at me so I ran to the other room and looked to see a portal.

~the rest is from beginning~

Lucy POV

After me and Natsu went through the portal Levi told us most of what happened and then we started to get pumped up and we went over to look for the guys and we put a circle around the house so only we could go in and when Levi told us that we had to bring Willow we brang her even after they nodded that they would stay because Willow said that part Levi really didn't want to bring her but since they ordered her to do it Willow will not budge on it so we went over to the park and then it turned 12:00 the man appeared and I was worried at will happen but Natsu spoke first and he said " Let get this party started" the guy looked at Natsu and he said "why would you want to fight me" Natsu looked at him and he said "well fighting is fun and even more fun when you fight for your friends" he chuckled and he said "friends are over rated for me that's why I have people that just follow orders" Natsu looked like he was going to say something but I wanted to tell him a peace of my mind to so I yelled at him and said "YOU ARE NOT A LEADER YOU ARE JUST A LITTLE PIECE OF- FORGET IT, IT WOULD BE RUDE TO THE PEOPLE LIKE THAT SO SORRY YOU LITTTL LITTLE PIECE OF-" before I could finish Natsu came and said "Lucy we get it he is worse than a piece of shit stop already it hurts my ears!" I laughed as he just budged his ears and try to clear it and it was just funny so I just kept laughing until the guy was right in front of me and he was looking into my eyes and I was scared and I couldn't say anything I was scared for my life at that moment. 

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