Honeymoon at the beach

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Lucy POV

It has been days since Levy got attacked and I was so sad that I had to leave her so early but I wanted to go on my honeymoon it was going to be so cool we are going to the beach after all but I still felt sad about it but thinking I heard Natsu say "its ok Luce Levy gave you her Facetime number so you can talk to her when you want" I nodded and sat back down next to Natsu since we were in a plain I couldn't talk to her but when we land I will talk with her so fell asleep in the plain waiting to get to the island when I woke up Natsu was next to me and was telling me to wake up when I did I looked outside and I saw the sand we were on the island Yay I get to call Levy and check if she is ok I ran out of the plane and got my phone and called Levy she told me she was ok and that Erza and Juvia were with her and that she will be ok so I told her bye and went over to Natsu who was getting our bags I don't even know what is in my bags Mira said she would pack for me since she wanted to thank me for helping her but I told her it would be ok but she still did it for me so I went over to Natsu and of my bags and Natsu took me to a Jeep and he drove to a house it was beautiful when you enter the house you see a black couch with one body pillow each couch and when you went to the door to the right you saw a beautiful black and white kitchen that looked amazing then if you went upstairs you had 4 doors one was our room which had a black and gold pattern all around and had a flat screen T.V and a mini couch and a bathroom it had everything and the other rooms where game rooms and other things me and Natsu were in the living room watching T.V which was right next to the kitchen and me and Natsu were going to start cocking when this movie was over and it was over in about 45 minutes so we could wait.


When the movie was over me and Natsu went to the kitchen and started to cook I was going to make some rice with fire meat for Natsu and normal meat for me and Natsu helped me cook the fire meat since I really didn't know that much of cooking fire meat for Natsu so when we were done cooking we sat next to each other and ate together and we talked "so Natsu what to go to the beach after this it looks like the water is cold" he looked over at me and smiles and nods and says "yea but you have to wear you best swimsuit" I blushed "you PERVERT" I screamed Natsu just laughed but I just nodded and then said "but wont you get mad if other people see us I saw that some people were in the island in the morning" he looked over at me and said "don't worry I have a private beach like this is a private beach house like over their is a balcony and you can see the private beach" I nodded and then put my plate in in the dish washer and then went to the balcony to look outside the balcony and it look so calm outside and their was nobody outside in the beach but I could still hear laughs but they were very far away but still laughs when I turned around I met straight with a hard chest it was Natsu I looked up at him and he was smiling at me and I smiled back and he kissed me well it was a very deep kiss and after about 5 minutes we stopped kissing Natsu was smiling and he said "come on lets go to the beach Luce" I just nodded and went upstairs and I went to the bathroom and took my white and pink bikini and put it on and put on a pink and grey dress on and then went downstairs to see Natsu in just bathing shorts and he had an umbrella and bucket in his hands and he smiled at me and said "ready to go?" I smiled and nodded and we left when we got out me and Natsu went threw a few people to get to the private beach and I saw a lot of girls staring at him without his shirt so I went over to him and put my hands around his neck and leaned him in and I kissed him and I kissed him deeply and for a long time until the girls stop staring and then I left him alone and he was shocked for a moment but then he kept walking when he noticed the girls stop staring and he said "were you jealous of the girls that were looking at me?" I blushed and shook my head and said "what cant I kiss you?" he laughed and said "you can kiss me when ever you want baby" I blushed and ran over to the private beach.

~Time Skip Beach~

When we got to the beach I took of my dress and started to put on sun block but I needed someone to put sun block on my back so I went over to Natsu and hesitated to ask but I did "Natsu can you put sun block on my back" I whispered so low I don't think a human could hear it but I knew he heard me but he said "what did you say Luce I didn't here you?" I blushed and said it a little louder "can you please put  sun block on my back Natsu?" he laughed and nodded and he told me to turn around he put the sun block on my back until he reached the strap of of my bikini and he giggled and said "Luce I need to lift this part to put on the sun block I blushed and nodded and lade down on the blanket and undid my bikini strap but I waited for Natsu to put sun block on it but what he did shocked me he took my bikini bra and my chest was exposed I was blushing like crazy I took the blanket and put it around me and I screamed "Natsu give me back my bra!!!!!" he laughed and said "Kiss me and I'll give it back" I thought for a moment and nodded I went over to him and kissed him and he was about to depen the kiss when I snatch my bra and went behind the palm tree and put it on before Natsu could come over. 

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