Its starts

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Natsu POV

When I saw Lucy on Monday I steered away I can't be close to her and Gageel can't be close to Levi this will pass all together and we just need about a week or so and it will end quickly we wont go all crazy we will be to clingy though but this will pass so by next Monday it should be over but the days will make it worse for us I need to tell Gageel and Wendy but I cant find them anywhere I hope they didn't talk to there mate or else this will be bad walking around school I smiled when I saw Levi and Gageel was not with her running to her I said "Levi you cant get close to Gageel ok?" she looked at me and said "Why?" "Because its mating time and until Monday he will be very protective and he will try to kill anybody that comes close to you" she gulped and nodded and I said "If you see Romeo or Lucy please tell them I cant tell Lucy" she nodded and left walking around I found Romeo and told him and he nodded leaving iw ent to my first hour and waited for the bell to ring I was going to take Wendy and Gageel and we are leaving we cant stay in school for long grabbing Gageel and Wendy I left the school this is going to be bad we stayed in the forest for a while until Wendy got hungry and said "Guys this is bad and I am hungry I know this is my first time doing this but I am very hungry" I nodded and said "I will go catch a rabbit or something ok?" she nodded and went to reading her book again going outside I went into the lake and got water and washed my face and then went hunting looking around I found a rabbit and killed it with my fire and went back to the cabin to find it destroyed wow this is great.

~A week Later~

Lucy POV

Thank good the mating season is over with it was a crazy week Wendy became a dragon Natsu burned half a village well that's normal but still not usual and Gageel destroyed everything around him we still have to pay for the damage but we good now Natsu said it started with them hiding away and then that Romeo found the cabin and didn't know they were there and Wendy went crazy and hugged him and when Gageel tried to break them apart she hit him and her eyes turned blue and she grew horns it was crazy then he told me that he went looking for her but found me and Levi doing out community work and well he hugged me and almost killed Levi and then the next day he wouldn't let me go and nobody could touch me not even Happy I was surprised but it was ok after Monday passed and they all stopped doing everything they were doing and it was awesome when Levi came to rescue Gageel from killing himself from destroying buildings on Tuesday and what we did for Wendy and what I did for Natsu and then  Laxus the worst case of all.

~Flashback to Tuesday day after Natsu found Lucy and Levi~

Gageel was on a rampage he destroyed half the town and he had grey eyes I was scared he was so close to me like he wanted to kill me he was following me and Levi and he wouldn't stop destroying everything he wanted Levi but he didn't know what he was doing it was as if he couldn't control himself and what he was doing and he looked straight at Levi she was scared but he didn't care he just wanted Levi he was close to us and Natsu wasn't helping at all he was next to me hugging me as if I was a stuffed  animal he didn't even help us I was angry and screamed at him "Natsu help us out here we are getting chased by an angry Gageel" he looked up and nodded he stopped hugging me and jumped out the window and he went straight for Gageel he made a fire wall and made Gageel stop in his tracks I smiled and left the building and me and Levi ran for the forest but then Levi stopped and looked back to see Natsu with flames all over him and Gageel was on the floor and he was unconscious she looked sad so I knew I and to stop Natsu "Natsu stop now don't hurt him" Natsu looked at me and ran towards me and hugged me  frowning I just let him be and I saw Levi looking up above Gageel and her eyes went big something is wrong I look up and saw a piece of the building falling Levi looked at it one last time before she said "Solid script magic: Wind pulse" the wind moved away the piece of building falling on him and it fell a mile away from Gageel she sighed in relief that Gageel was ok after that we took Gageel back to our house and left him in a guest room.

~End of Flashback~

 After that we had to find Wendy and help her she was lost in the forest and Natsu snapped out of it and helped us find her but that whole weeks was a disaster for us mates it is like they become different people I wonder how Laxus would act he is a dragon slayer after all and I think I know the mate but I found out what he did after we saved Wendy in the forest but it was the next day. 

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