The New live

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-Lucy POV-

I opened my eyes to feel warm arms around me they felt so warm and nice I stayed in the bed until I remembered that Natsu was sleeping with me that's when I woke up and jolted out of the bed and went to the restroom I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my face was red so I calmed down and toke a shower it toke me 35 minutes to take a shower and brush my teeth and hair when I was done with that I took a towel remembering Natsu was still in bed and went outside to get some clothes when I came out I saw some ones face inches away from mine it made me blush when I saw Natsu in front of me I backed away but the bathroom door was closed I opened it but then I fell I closed my eyes but never felt the impact I thought I would feel and when I opened my eyes I saw Natsu he had a hand on my waist and he was close to my face when he noticed what he did he put stud me up and then let me go I looked at him and he looked away al of the sudden then I remembered that I was only wearing a towel and that's when I blushed I ran to the closet got clothes and went to the restroom I had a yellow tank top and a blue mini skirt with a brown belt that had my whip and my keys when I came out I saw Natsu on the bed looking up he looked like he was worried about something so I went up to him and asked "Natsu are you ok you look worried about something" he looked at me and just said "No" but I could hear the worry in his voice but since I didn't what to make him sad I just told him "OK then we have to go to the store to by the beds for the guest rooms" after I said that he got up and went to the closet and got a black shirt with some basket ball shorts and he went to the restroom after that I wondered why Natsu had normal clothes in his closet maybe he hid those clothes because my dad never let me have these kind of clothes I got out of my thoughts when I heard the water turn of then 10 minutes later I saw Natsu come out of the restroom when he came out he said " well I'm ready lets go after we eat breakfast" after he said that I went to the door and left the room I went down stairs to the kitchen and cooked some eggs and bacon when I came out Natsu was in the dining room ready to eat this time I made more than yesterdays dinner so this time it took him 5 minutes to finish his food after that I finished and then we went outside and into a Mustang Natsu took a pill and then we left we went the store and we bought some beds and some blue, red, or black bed sheets and after that we were in the car and a truck was behind us and when we were in the middle of the ride Natsu asked me "Lucy do you want some maids to help you in the house" when he asked me that question I thought maybe some female friends wouldn't be so bad since I still don't know if I should tell Levy, Erza and Juvia so I said yes and first we went home and put the beds in the house after that Natsu and me went to my dads home since I insisted that I take some of my maids after we got there dad asked me if I was alright I said yes and then asked if I could take some maids and butlers Natsu looked at me with a questioning face then I gave a look that said we will talk later and he just looked back at dad when he said yes after that I picked Cydney and Liz as my personal maids then got another maid Sareena after I picked the maids I picked 2 butlers and then we let them get their thing and left when we got home I told Cydney and Liz and Sareena to pick out rooms when they picked out rooms I told the butlers to pick out their rooms after that I introduced the maids and butlers to Natsu and they were happy to meet Natsu after that they started to clean even though I told them they didn't have to but they still did so helped them out a little I cleaned my room but then remembered that we only had six rooms and that they were all filled and Natsu had to sleep in my I mean our room I guess after that I told Natsu and he seemed ok with it so he just kept watching T.V. when the maids and butlers were done they went to their rooms and they started decorating their rooms since I let them decorate them so it was only Natsu and me in the living room watching a movie and then he asked "so why did you get some butlers" I looked at him and said " well I didn't want to make you feel lonely with only girls" then we kept quite and we stayed up until 10 because then we remembered that tomorrow we had school and we didn't know what to do about it so I just told him to worry about it tomorrow and he then went to our room and took a shower when he was done he came out with just shorts on and no shirt I didn't look because I was blushing as red as Ezra's hair so I ran into the restroom and took a shower when I came out Natsu was sleeping so I built the pillow wall and fell asleep

-Natsu POV before he went to the room-

Before we went to the room I asked Lucy why she picked out butlers she told me she didn't want me to feel lonely and that made me feel happy because she cared about me after that we went back to the movie until I remembered that we have to go to school tomorrow so I got worried but Lucy told me it was alright so I went to the room and took a shower I only put some shorts on and came out when done when I looked up to Lucy to see her red then she ran into the bathroom after that I went to the bed and started thinking again about how mating season was coming and I was feeling a little weird around Lucy but then I felt my eyes get heavy and then I fell asleep.

-time skip to next morning-

when I woke up I saw Lucy in my arms and a lot of pillows around us I just kept my eyes closed until I could hear Lucy's loud heart beat with my super hearing so I let my hands get softer around her she then she left she got some clothes and went to the bathroom so I got up and went to the closet and got some clothes and then laid back on the bed but got up when I heard the shower turn of that when I got my towel and went close when she opened the door and went out I waited for her to get out when she got out I could still hear her heart beat and it was beating fast for some reason but I let it slide since we still need to go to school so I went inside the bathroom and took a shower and when I came out fully dressed I saw Lucy wasn't their I smelled the air and smelled Lucy in the kitchen after that I got my things from the desk and went down to the dining room to find Lucy and the maids and butlers sitting at the table with food my seat was left open then I went and sat down after we ate me and Lucy talked and we decided that one will leave early and the other will leave at least 20 minutes or 10 minutes later so Lucy left first and then I left 10 minutes later it was already 7:30 so I had 30 minutes to get to school so I hurried and got their in 10 minutes after that I went to my locker and got my stuff then I saw a girl with white hair come over to me she looked at me and asked "so you the new student that every girl is talking about" I looked at her and then I just told her sure and left her their but then she started to follow me then she said "so you know who I am right?" when she asked the question she looked at my arm and then it got a little weird since I already was getting married but since she didn't know I don't know what to do so I just answered the question "no sorry I don't know who you are. Who are you?" she looked at me in shock but I was not shocked since I have only been in school for one day then she looked at me and said "well I am by far the most popular girl in school Lisanna" she looked at me as if I was going to gasp or if I was suppose to be surprised but I was not even shocked so I just kept walking to my first hour so to make her leave I said "well here is my first hour so well um good bye Lisanna" after that I went to my first hour and left her their and before I left I could see her face and it looked irritated but I didn't care to much about it so I went back to my first hour after that the day went normally I saw Lucy in a couple of hours we talked but in some of those hours that I had Lucy and that girl Lisanna in them I could see Lisanna looking at us with weird eyes but I just forgot about it every time she looked at us but since the day was done me and Lucy talked about one of us leaving early and one leaving late so I had to leave later on and since nobody was their I just waited 20 minutes and left and had the same as every other night after we ate and I watched a movie and took a shower I went to the bed but this time when Lucy came out she didn't tell me to put up so I started to put up the wall but then I saw Lucy put her hands on the pillow I was holding and she said "Don't put them up every time you do it you always end up hugging me so just leave it alone" when she said that she said it with huge blush but I was ok with it so I fell asleep hugging her and she fell asleep hugging me back.

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