File X

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There was a meeting tonight. My friend, Roux, convinced me into going with her. I never really liked going to the meetings, they were sooo boring. But I didn’t have a choice. We came up to “The Dark Alley.” We knocked on the door. “What’s the password?” “We shall follow till the end of X.” They let us in. Everyone in the club was so serious and mysterious as if they all had a dirty little secret they couldn’t tell, which in fact they did. Everyone in the room soon notices me and their expression changed to a surprise-shock look. It made sense I mean I never really showed my face to anyone here and our leader was just an asshole. Soon after my little entrance we were all led to the stage. Of course being me I stood in the back not wanting to be part of this. Soon he comes on stage and scans through the crowd and realizes I’m here. “Looks like someone finally came out their shell.” I chuckled. He chuckled back. He starts giving this speech about how were going to change people’s point of view and how we would be in control. Blah. Blah. Blah. I never wanted to be a part of this but I had no choice, I was forced into this. He ends his oh-so-special speech and everyone cheers and applauds. He seems very full of himself since most of us follow and depend on him. But I don’t. I can never escape this. I was in with no way out. No escape from Mr. X.  

Authors Note:

Hey guys I hope you like it so far I will post later today so keep an eye out for it. I'm kind of new at this so take it easy on me guys. But as to when I will be updating... I have no clue. But I will try my best into keeping this story going. But thanks for reading! Oh and also a big shoutout to my friend Catherine who has been dieing for me to write a fanfic. Check out some of her stories as well. @xcatherineloveatox

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