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Chapter 7:

~Once in the car~

“Hey beautiful.”

“Hey handsome.”

He chuckled and looked down. I felt a blush coming on. Wait what?

“So now will you tell me where we’re going?” I asked with my best puppy eyes.

He just laughed. “You’ll see.”

I huffed and plumed in my seat. He just smiled and shook his head. He soon sped away. After what it seemed to be 15 min. He finally parked and got out and came to my side to open the door.

“Thanks.” I mumbled.

“You’re welcome.”

We started walking and soon we entered a small pizza place. We sat at the very corner of the room in a booth.

“I’ll go order the pizza, does pepperoni sound fine?”

“Yes! I love pepperoni!” I said a little too excited.

But Custodio just laughed at me.

“Anything to drink?”

“Uhhhh just a coke. Thanks.”

“Okay I’ll be right back.”

After he left I decided to check if I looked fine. I was never insecure of myself but hey a girl needs to check herself out especially on a date. Once I checked that I looked somewhat okay I decided to check my nails out which I found myself to be very interested in. I was snapped back into reality when someone cleared their throat. I looked up and it was Custodio just smiling at me.

“Sorry.” I managed to say.

“It’s fine here’s your soda.”


“You’re welcome.”

I finally had to courage to ask him the question I’ve been trying to answer myself.

“Why did you ask me out tonight?”

I said while looking up at him but then quickly looking back down. I was getting worried when he didn’t answer but then he spoke up.

“ I just wanted to be with you. Just in case you do get the part of the back-up dancer. I’ll get to say I knew before you were famous.” He chuckled at the end.

But he looked like he wasn’t telling me something but I let it go and smiled back at him. Well I smiled even more cause I saw the pizza coming.

~One pizza later~

Once we finished we went back to his car and he started driving but started driving somewhere other than the direction to my house.

“Custodio where are we going?”

He didn’t say a word he just kept looking forward.

Then I recognized the road we were on.

“We’re going to “The Dark Alley” aren’t we?”

He sighed. “Yea. Mr.X wanted you to come to the meeting tonight…Sorry.”

I sighed and closed my eyes. Great.


Hey you guys hope you like the story so far :) Stupid wattpad won't let me post pictures for some reason but I'll keep trying :)

What's going to happen with Mr.X? What will happen in the meeting? What will happen between Annabeth And Custodio?

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