Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

We walked inside the elevator and waited until we got to the lobby.

“So how long have you’ve been dancing?” Lou asked out of nowhere.

“I’ve been dancing for about 7 years.”

“Wow that’s amazing.”

“Yea I guess but I still have a lot to learn.”

“Well I can’t judge since I’ve never seen you dance.”

“So how is it, being the boys hairstylist.”

“It can get quit crazy. Well actually it can get insane!”

I just smiled.

“But they always seem to calm down when I bring Lux around.” She says as she looks to her left where Lux is playing with her hair.

Lou isn’t that bad she seems…normal. I doubt that there are barely any normal people on this tour. We finally make it to the main floor and walk towards the lobby.

As we made our way towards the lobby I saw the boys but instead of two bodies I saw three one with curly brown hair, one with blondish hair with tattoos all over his arms and another blonde. Niall.

What is he doing here? I thought Lou said it was just the two guys and us. Should I turn back around? What if they ask me why I’m not going? I’ll say I have the stomach flu or something. Yea yea that’ll work. No it won’t how stupid do you think they are. My conscience suddenly told me. Great now I have to face him.

“Hey are you ok?” Lou asked me, making me jump a bit. “

Huh what? Oh umm yea I’m fine its just…”

“Its Niall isn’t. I heard about what he did if you don’t feel comfortable you can stay-“

“No no its fine I don’t to be locked up.”

I said with a small smile. She looked at me making sure if I was going with this. I just slightly nodded at her. We continued to walk towards them. My stomach felt like someone was doing summersaults and jumping jacks. I might get sick after all. We finally met up with them. “

Hey Anna nice to see your coming with us.” Harry said while smiling at me.

“Yea well I guess I needed some air.” I said returning a weak smile.

“Anna I want you to meet my fiancé Tom. Tom this is Annabeth.”

Lou said while still holding lux. Tom was very skinny and tall, maybe as tall as Harry. He had what seemed to be dirty blond hair and his arms were fill with tattoos. He greeted with a warm smile and then said,

“Hi Anna it’s really nice to meet you. Niall’s been talking about you quit a bit.” He said with a cheeky grin.

Niall’s been talking about me?

“Oh umm I hope good things.”

I said uncertain as what to say. Lou gave Tom a little look as to say to change the topic.

“Well we best be going now we don’t craze fans to be following us around.”

We all hurried out of the lobby and started walking down the streets. Miami was really beautiful but it was awfully hot. I took off my cardigan and tied it around my waist.

“Hey is anybody hungry?” Lou asked while pushing Lux in her stroller.

“Yea you bet.” Harry said.

“There’s a pizza parlor around the corner. There’s usually no one there.”

“Let’s go then.” Tom said while running and pulling Harry along.

It made me and Lou laugh. I heard a faint chuckle in the back. I almost forgot Niall was with us. He didn’t really talk to me in the lobby so I guess he was ignoring me.

We got to the pizza parlor and as Lou said it was completely dead. There was only like about two couples and a family there. We took a booth in the back corner. On one said it was Lou and Tom. On the other side it was me, Harry, and Niall. With my luck I was in the corner, with Niall on my left and Harry at the end.  Lou was sitting right in front of me and Tom was on her right. Lux was still in her stroll begging to come out.

“Me and Harry will go order the pizza and some drinks.” Tom said while getting up and grabbing Harry.

“I’m going to take Lux out and let her wonder about. I’ll be right back.” Lou said while unbuckling her child and chasing after her.

Now it was just me and Niall. Could this be anymore awkward? We didn’t say a word to each other for a while until Niall spoke up.

“So uh how’d you sleep last night?”

“Umm fine thanks. How’d you sleep?”

“Not very well.”

“Oh why?”

“Cause I don’t know if you forgive me or not.” He said while looking down.

Is that why he has bags under his eyes? I thought it would be the lack of sleep from rehearsing late at night. But instead it was because he didn’t know if would forgive him. I mean I want to forgive him, I really do but those words hurt so much. Wait why am I being so soft on him? I should be furious with him. I should be breaking his arm. But I can’t if I act anyway suspicious I’m bound to be fired. And then X will really teach me a lesson. I could see Niall’s eyes staring right at me. But I kept looking down. What should I say?

“But you gave me a bit hope today.” I snapped my head towards him making a eyes contact.

“I did.” I said very faintly.

“Yea you did. When you came walking towards us. I saw that you stopped once you saw me, I thought you were gonna go back to your room but instead you kept walking towards me, I mean us.”

He said while still staring at me. Was really true? Did I do that because maybe deep inside I could forgive him?

“Look Niall I want forgive you but it might take some time you know…” I said faintly.

“As long as in the end you forgive me.”

He then took my hand and kissed it. I was just lost for words. My heart started racing again and my stomach began getting butterflies. Why did this boy had this effect on me? He looked at me with his green-blue eye waiting for a response. I was about to say something but was interrupted by the two loudest guys.

“Oh yea we have drinks!”


hoped you guys enjoyed. I promise to update tomorrow. tell your friends about this story if you love it it would mean the world to me. Thanks :)

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