Chapter 48

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Chapter 48:

A week has passed and we (meaning the boys and I) are in New York. The boys concert was in ten days. They had to come a bit earlier for a bit a promoting to do. Although their concert was sold out. But management was strange like that. The 5SOS boys were here. Ashton has kept his distance from me. It was weird. He barely even spoke to Niall. He kept staring at me. I would catch him looking at me. It looked like as if he wanted to talk to me but he was too scared. I bet he thinks I would scream at him. Which I’ll probably most likely do. But I need answers as too why he did that. And I’m getting them today.

The hotel wanted to treat the boys to something. So they set up a whole buffet for them, the crew, and friends/family members. Everybody was there. Niall made his way to the boys. I told him that I would be hanging around Lou and Lux. I was talking to Lou when Calum came over to our table.

“Hey do you mind if I steal you for a minute.” He asked while leaning over to me.

“Uh sure, I’ll be right back Lou.” She nodded and went back to Tom. Calum took me to what seemed to be the doorway into the kitchen.

“Ashton told me what he did.” Calum said suddenly.

“He told you? Fuck. Look I didn’t kiss back he just surprised me and then he just left without saying a word. And now he’s just there staring at me but he won’t talk to me. I mean what’s his problem? He has a lot to explain.” I said while running my fingers through my hair.

“Ashton wants to know if you’ve told Niall.”

“No I haven’t told Niall. I mean how do you explain that one of his best friends kissed his girlfriend. That’s not gonna be a pretty outcome”

“Ashton wants to tell him.”

“Wait what? What do you mean tell him?” I said while furrowing my eyebrows.

“He wants to tell him about the kiss and why he did it.”

“He should be explaining that to me not to Niall!” I bit my lip. “Look we have to find him and stop him before all hell breaks loose.”

I saw Calum’s eyes go wide and follow someone. I turned around to meet his gaze and my eyes laid on Ashton marching towards Niall. “Fuck.” I spoke as I started to walk towards their direction. I felt Calum behind me.

“Hey Niall.” Ashton spoke out.

“Hey Ashton what’s up?” Niall spoke casually to him.

My feet started to walk a bit faster. They were on the other side of the room. Well fuck.

“I need to tell you something Niall.”

“Alright shoot.”

“ASHTON!” I screamed his name across the room but he didn’t seem to hear me.

“I kissed your girl Niall.”


“I kissed Anna, Niall , at the New Years’ Eve party. I kissed her.”

That’s when I saw Niall’s fist connect with Ashton’s jaw. Ashton stumbled back a bit but recovered enough to throw one of his own punches at Niall. After recovering Niall speared Ashton to the ground where they began to wrestle.

“Niall stop!” I screamed as I ran towards them. Zayn was the one closest to them and he tried to separate them but it was no use. Niall got on top of Ashton and started to pound his face with full on punches, no hesitations. Liam, Louis, and Harry came into the action trying to separate them. They successfully pulled Niall off of Ashton. Michael and Luke helped Ashton up. But the boys lost grip on Niall and he advanced towards Ashton again. Ashton pushed his way through Michael and Luke and soon meeting up with Niall where they started to wrestle again. They threw punches at each other. Some missing but mostly hitting their bodies. They separated them again and this time held both of them down, tight. I finally arrived at the scene. Niall trying to lunge at Ashton at every opportunity. I finally stood in front of him, my hands on both of cheeks so his focus would be on me.

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