Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

10 fucking hours. 10. HOURS. I have never been so tired ever in my life. I didn’t get much sleep, even though I got like first class. But the reason being was there was tv and they were showing movies so I basically watched most of them. They fed us which was a good thing and then I continued watching movies.

The plane had just landed 5 minutes ago and we were still moving. I tried popping my ears by chewing gum and yawning. Luckily it worked, somehow. After a while we stopped and we were allowed to get out of our seats. I grabbed my bag and made my way down the aisle. Once getting off the plane I made my way to the check in area thingy. (I have no idea what its called, don’t judge.) After that I made my way to picking up my luggage. I had one suit case and one duffel bag. Luckily it was one of the first ones to come out.

After picking them up I made my way towards the exit. I entered to what seemed like a lobby but it was the waiting area for the arrivals. And can you guess what I was greeted by…….. That’s right the fucking paps.


“Over here”

“Smile for the camera”

“Tell us why you’re here?”

“Obviously to visit my boyfriend.” I said a bit rude but I didn’t care I was tired as fuck.

Luckily I was dress decent enough to be seen in public. I had my ripped skinny jeans, my deep red cardigan, white flowy tank top, and my scarf. I managed to touch up my make up on the plane. I mean I gotta look good for my boyfriend right. I had no idea where I was walking. Mainly cause of the paps. My phone started to ring.


“Where are you?”

“Well do you see anyone else being followed by paps?”

“Oh I see you.”

I look up and there I see him. With his usual blond hair and his giant smile. I noticed he was with someone else but right now I only saw him. I started walking towards him and he started to walk towards me. We finally met halfway.

“Hey there stranger.” He said with a cocky smile.

“He there leprechaun.” I said giggled.

He shook his head. “Hey I’m taller than you so I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I laughed. He brought me into a hug and squeezed me tight.

“I’ve missed you so much.”

“Me too.”

I could feel the paps taking pictures but I didn’t care it was just me and Niall right now. “Come on lets go home.”

just hold on were going home. I don't know I thought of that song right now. short chapter but more updates to come :)

check out Anna's outfit on my polyvore

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