Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

“Alright now look into the light. Good. Now follow my finger.” The doctor said as he still shined the light on my eyes and my eyes followed his moving finger.

“Alright it seems you have a small concussion. You’re going to have to stay for the night.”

“How’s my brother?” I asked gripping on to the hospital bed.

“I’ll let you know when he’s out of surgery.” He said with a small smile.

“Okay.” I said whispering.

“I’ll let your mother know you’re okay.” He said while writing some things on his clip board. “But for now just relax.” And with that he left.

Right after Jason passed out the ambulance came along with the police. They tried to question me while the paramedics were checking me out cause I had a bruise on my forehead. They didn’t have much a chance to do that since the paramedics took me to the hospital.

They took Jason and I into the emergency room. They took Jason into the surgery room. I wanted to go with him but they wouldn’t let me. They called my mom in order for them to do surgery on Jason. After a while she showed up at the hospital asking to see me and Jason. They told her she had to wait until they cleared me and until they finished surgery on Jason.

I still had no idea why that guy attack Jason. Or who that guy was. I had to figure all these things out but I also had to deal with the police. Great the police were involve and now they’re going to want a testimony from me. I should probably let them deal with this but it became personal when he hurt Jason badly. I was distracted when someone opened the bedroom door.

“Anna! Thank goodness you’re okay!” My mom said as she rushed over to hug me.

“I’m fine mom just please stop crying.”

She let go of me in order to recover herself. “I was just so worried about you.”

“It’s just a small concussion mom. You should be praying for Jason right now.” I said as I held her hands together.

“You’re right.”

“When am I not?” I said with a small smile. She just giggled.

Soon two people came in. “Hello Ms. Santiago. My name is Detective Benson and this is my partner Detective Stabler. We’re the detectives that are going to be over this case so if you don’t mind giving your testimony right now.”

“Can this wait once I’m actually stable?”

“Annabeth don’t be rude to the detectives.” My mother said as she slightly hit me on my arm.

“I’m just speaking the truth.”

“Well would you mind telling the truth about what happened today?” The guy detective said. I think his name was Stabler. “

Of course she’ll tell you everything that happened.”

I looked at my mom as those words came out of her mouth. I didn’t want her to know what had happened. I didn’t want her to know that Jason almost died because he tried to save me. I was afraid she would get mad at me. I stood silent for a while and looked down at my hands.

“Ms. Miller, do you mind if I talk with you outside?” Detective Benson asked my mother. “Yes of course.” She said as she stepped outside with the detective.

“I see you have a bruise.” Detective Stabler said as he approached me a bit.

“Yea it’s a result of my head hitting the ground.”

“So is that the only damage.”

“No I have a small concussion and I have to stay for the night.”

“How about your brother?”

“I don’t know they haven’t told me a thing about him since they took him into surgery.” I said while looking down.

“So what happened Annabeth?”

I sighed. “I don’t know. I was walking back to the skate park in order to go back home with Jason. Then there was a crowd and I noticed that my brother was getting beat up so I stepped in.”

“What did you do?”

“There were three guys against my brother so I pulled the guy that was punching him and punched him back.”

“Can you describe this guy?”

“Around my age, maybe a bit older. Three inches taller than me. Black hair. Brown eyes. He was wearing a sweater and jeans. He had a bit of facial hair. And he had a lip piercing.”

“Would you mind telling this to a sketch artist later on.”

“Yea sure maybe by then my head will get better.”

“What happened after you punched him?”

“His other two buds came and attacked me but beat the shit of them.”

“Looks like you know how to defend yourself.”

“I took MMA classes.”

“That explains things.”

“After I beat the two other guys, the first guy who attacked me took out a knife and jabbed it towards me but I dodged. He threw me to the ground and that’s when he..”

“He what?”

“He told me ‘Now this is what happens to sluts that interfere with my job’ and then Jason stopped him before he stabbed me and that’s when things turned for the worst.”

“So you think he was sent by someone who wanted to hurt you?”

“Or get my attention.” I said mumbling to myself.

“Excuse me?” Detective Stabler asked me.

“No I was just saying that you might be right. But why hurt my brother in the first place?”

“He probably wanted to hurt you by hurting one of your family members.”

“It’s just not right that Jason had to be the victim.”

“You’re the victim too.”

“But he’s the one who got hurt the most.” Just then my mom came in.

“Jason’s awake.”

“What? When?”

“Just a few minutes ago, the doctor said he’s going to be alright.” My mom hugged me as she cried into my shoulder. I just held her tighter. She finally let go and wiped her tears away.

“Well Annabeth we have to go but we’ll be here tomorrow to get a testimony from your brother.” Detective Stabler said as he joined his partner. “If for whatever reason you need me here’s my card.” He said as he handed me his card. “Thanks.” I said as I took his card. He just smiled at me and left the room.

Hey guys sorry for not updating. I've just been cramming on my classes cause its finals week next week. But I've been writing also. I'm doing a double update tonight so keep the eye open.

And if you watch Law & Order: SVU then you must know the detectives. I'm such a huge fan of the tv show. so I used their names. (:

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