Chapter 44

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Chapter 44:

We walked over to Greg’s house, it being a walking distance. (Not sure if this is true but I was too lazy to research it so let’s just pretend ;) ) We finally arrived and Bobby knocked on the door.

“Oh wonderful you guys are here. Come in come in.” Denise said as she answered the door. We entered the house and some of the Horans were in the living and dining room.

“Anna you look lovely!”

“Thank you and as do you.”

She just gave me a huge smile and then excused herself.

“Come on lets go meet some of the family.” Niall said as he held my hand.

The night went pretty fast. I met some of Niall’s uncles, aunts, and cousins. Which also included his mom. His mom was the best ever. I loved her. I had a few conversations with his other family members. They were all pretty awesome. Niall’s dad said he would be staying at Greg’s house with his family. Niall had told him we were going back home for I was “tired”. So he told us he would see us in the morning.We walked back to the house almost falling. Niall had a bit a drinks and I had my bit as well. But I wasn’t completely drunk, neither was Niall. We were just a bit clumsy.

We finally arrived and went straight upstairs. I plopped on the bed as soon Niall unlocked the door. He laughed and then plopped right next to me.

“Hello.” I said while smiling at him.

“Hello.” He said back grinning.

“Oh! Your present! I totally almost forgot.” I said while getting up and going to the bathroom. I went under the sink and opened the last drawer.

“So that’s where you hid it.” He said while sitting.

“Yup. I told you, you wouldn’t have found it.”

I said while walking back to him. It was a small box in wrapping paper with a big bow in the middle. I sat next to him and handed the box to him.

“Open it.” I said while smiling.

He chuckled and took the box. He started to unwrap the present. His eyes went wide.

“Wait did you get me a-“

“Rolex? Yes. Yes I did.” I said cutting him off.

“How did you-“

“Know you wanted one? Well simple I just asked around the house and Theo mention something about you telling  him how much you wanted a Rolex.”

“Ahhhh you cheeky one. You were listening to my conversation with Theo weren’t you?”

“You could say.” I said while shrugging my shoulders. He just laughed.

“Ah I love it thank you princess.” He said as he kissed my cheek.

“Anything for you.”

“Now it’s time for my other present.” He said while reaching over to his drawer on his side of the bed. He took out an envelope. “Here open it.” He said as he handed it to me. I gave a small chuckle and took it. I opened it and on the inside it revealed another ticket.

“Read it aloud.” He whispered to me.

“December 27, 2013. Ireland. Flight No. 1056, Departing at 9 AM. Ireland to England.” “Wait Niall were going to England!?”

“Surprise!” He practically yelled out.

I hugged him tight. “Niall I can’t believe you did this.”

“Anything for my princess.”

I let go and smiled at him. He smiled back. His gaze turned back to my lips and he leaned in.

"Hey we’re not under mistletoe.” I said while smiling.

“Then follow me.” He said while standing up and giving him my hand. We walked until we were on our door frame.

“Niall there’s no mistletoe here.”

“Wanna bet?” He then pointed up. There it was, mistletoe. I smiled and he smiled back. He leaned in and I leaned in too until our lips connected.

sorry for not continuing my updates yesterday. my wifi was acting stupid. but anyways here it is! another chapter coming on soon.

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