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Chapter 8:

After he parked the car, I got out beyond annoyed by the fact he brought me here and I slammed the car door. He knew that I hated going to these meetings. But what hurt the most was knowing that Mr. X put him up to this. He didn’t want to go out with me, it was just a scheme.

Wait why was I hurt? What am I thinking?

Before I could walk any further or think anymore someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face them.

“Look I know that you’re mad at me for bringing you here but just know that I did really wanna go out with you tonight and I had a great time.” He looked at me straight on but I just turned me head.

“It’s fine let’s just go inside.” I said while walking away from him.

Once we reached the door we both said the password and were accepted in. Once inside I spotted Roux and walked up to her.

“Hey girly I’m surprise to see you here.” She said to me.

“Yea well I had a date before this.” I said while looking at Custodio, who was with some of his friends.

“Ooh look at you going for the bad boy.”

“Don’t. I’m pretty sure Mr. X sent him so he could make sure I came to the meeting tonight.”

“I’m gonna have to doubt that because ever since you came over here he hasn’t stop staring.”

She was right, once I turned around I saw him looking at me trying to read my emotion. I just turned around and tried not to make eye contact. Soon after we were lead to the stage. I stood next to Roux in order not to be next to Custodio in the back. Then Mr. X came out.

“Hello everyone I have gathered all of you here today for a special announcement. As some of you might of heard One Direction are coming to town very soon.” Everyone started whispering.

“But I want to tell everyone that we shall not disturb them. Nor attack or threaten them. If you do, you will have to face me. Understood?” Everybody nodded.

“But as I said they are coming and holding auditions for dancers and one of our very own will be auditioning…

Annabeth will you please get on stage.”

Of course he knew I was here. I walked to the stage and stood next to him. He then took my hand.


“Annabeth has volunteered to take this task and I am confident that she will make it. Now let us all appreciate Annabeth with a round of applause.”

Everybody soon clapped and starting cheering.

I just stood there watching them.

If I don’t get this spot I’m screwed.


sorry this isn't a good chapter but the next one will be. On that note I'm gonna add the other chapter in a bit so stay soon ;)

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