Chapter 43

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Chapter 43:

We played with Theo for about 2 hours until he crashed and I put him back in his crib. I went back to my room discovering Niall sprawled across the floor.

“What are you doing?” I asked while crossing my arms across me chest.

“Looking for my present.”

“You’re never gonna find it Niall so stop looking for it.”

“Wanna bet?”

“I’m not betting Niall.”

“Pft. Loser.” He said while looking in the closet.

I rolled my eyes. I grabbed a towel from the other side of the closet. I took off my shoes, grabbed my undergarments, my dress, and my makeup. “I’m going to take a shower.” I said while putting all my stuff down in the bathroom.

“Can I join?” Niall said while approaching the bathroom.

“Sorry Horan maybe next time.” I said while closing the door. He just shook his head and walked back into the room.

After the shower I dried my body and put my undergarments on. I blow dried my hair and then straighten it. I decided to have some sort of smokey eye but not too dark. I made my lips a neutral color. My dress was red, Denise convinced me into wearing a Christmas color, with a floral design just on top. The dress reached about mid-thigh.

“Anna are you almost done in there?” Niall said through the door.

“That depends are you dressed?”

“Yes. I’ve been dress since an hour ago.”

“Good. Just give me like 2 minutes.”

I heard him sigh and leave the door. I put my dress on but I had trouble zipping it up. Fuck. I opened the door and went towards our bed. There I found Niall in his dress pants and a nice dress shirt. He looked up as I made my presence in the room.

“Wow.” He said while his eyes trailed up and down my body.

“Stop being a creep.” I said while laughing. He smiled back.

“Can you zip me up?” I said while looking down.

He gave a small chuckle and stood up from the bed. I turned around just as he approached me. I grabbed my hair and held it up. I felt his finger traveling down my back. It gave me chills. He finally reached the zipper and slowly zipped it up. Once he reached the top I was about to turn around when I was turned right back to where I was standing.

“No don’t face me yet I have a surprise.”


“Yea it’s one of your Christmas presents.”

“Your giving me my Christmas present now?”

“Just one I have others.” I rolled my eyes and giggled a bit.

“Put your hair up again.” I did as he said.

I saw his hands go over my head and he rest something on chest. A necklace. He locked the necklace and I let my hair go. I turned to face him but looking at my necklace.

“It’s an ‘N’.” I said while observing the necklace.

“Yea ‘N’ for Niall.” He said with a proud smile.

“Niall this is amazing. Thank you.”

“So you like it?”

“Like it? No…. I love it.” I said while giving him a hug. He hugged me back. I gave him  peck on the lips after I leaned back in this arms.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look right now.”

“I do believe you haven’t.” I said smiling back at him.

“Well… You’re beautiful.”

“And you are handsome.”

I said smiling at him. He smiled back. I pecked his lips again but he deepened the kiss. Our lips moved in sync. His arms around my waist and mine around his neck. He brushed his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance. I wasn’t going to give it to him that easily. I kept kissing but not allowing him entrance. He moved both of his hands and move it to my bottom while squeezing them. I let out a yelp and that was his opportunity into my mouth. Our tongues danced against each other, exploring both of our mouths.

“Niall come on were leaving to Gregs!” His father yelled at us.

Niall and I pulled away. “Coming dad. It’ll just take a minute.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. He pulled me to his chest. “Ready to meet some of the fam.”

“As soon as I put my shoes on I will be.”

Yay more updates coming soon  :)

Check out Annas outfit on my polyvore :)

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