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Chapter 10:

~Custodio’s P.O.V~

I couldn’t believe that just happened with Annabeth. I just wanted to kiss her but I never thought it would get that heated. Luckly she stopped because if she didn’t it would have gone further than I have planned. I arrived to my apartment.

What would Mr. X say? Would he find out? What will he do to me? Most importantly what will he do to Annabeth?

Just stay calm like nothing ever happened.

But the images kept playing in my head. Great. Just great. As I opened the door to the apartment I felt someone standing behind me. More like three people.

“Hello Custodio.”

“Hello X.”

“Won’t you invite us in?”

I hesitated but then answered, “Yea come on in.”

I said as I opened the door and went inside first. I hanged my car keys then sat on my couch. There was X with Mikey and Fred standing right in front of me.

“I heard you went on a little date with Annabeth.”

I started clenching my fist when he asked me that. “Yea I did.”

“And what in your right mind did you think that was okay?”

“I thought if she thought we were only going on a date she wouldn’t hesitate in going to the meeting because you know if I just showed up all of sudden to her house 1. Her mother wouldn’t let her out and 2. She would put up a fight. I wouldn’t want to hurt her…like you did.”

I said while giving him a cold look.

He laughed.

I hated that memory with all my heart.

The memory of the day when Annabeth was forced to join the Xterminators.


I had barely joined this gang but I showed my loyalty to X when I knocked the shit out of some other guy who wanted to destroy X and take control. From then on I was his favorite. He told me and group of guys that he was going to bring his girl. Last time I checked his girl dumped his ass. Who knows though.

He came in and soon was followed by a girl. Her hair was long and somewhat wavy with an auburn-dark-brown color. Her eyes blue and clear as the ocean. She was beautiful. I had to look away before X thought I had an attraction towards her.

“What are we doing here X?”

She called him that too?

“I just wanted to negotiate with you.”

“Look I broke up with you because you cheated on me and I don’t take cheaters back.”

“Oh honey this isn’t about us getting together but rather more than joining us.”

The look on her face was confusion and worried.

“ Wh-What are talking about?”

  He then snapped his fingers and two guys I didn’t know got Annabeth by the arms.

“Hey! Let Me Go!”

She yelled as she started to fight. They soon got her to her knees. Then X got face-to-face her and slapped her right across the face. I stood there not knowing what to do. She started to cry.

“You will be part of our gang, you will become one of us.”

“ Not in a billion years.” She spat.

She then got slapped again. And again. And again. And again. She was bleeding a little out of her mouth.

“If you don’t joined us your family will suffer. Your foster and your real family.”

She was an orphan?

“Please don’t. Don’t hurt them. They’re not part of this.”

She then got slapped again. “Then you will be part of us our little gang.”

She stayed quiet for minutes.

Then finally she spoke up.

“I will if you promise to keep my families out of this. Both of them.”

X smiled. “I promise.”

He then kissed her cheek which made her flinch a little.

“Finish the job.”

He said after he turned around.

Next thing I know the two guys start hitting Annabeth. Punching, kicking, you name it. It was horrible. After they finished they let her lye there. Then X came out.

“Custodio get her cleaned up. Here are some of her clothes. After that take her home.”

I nodded.

He then walked up to her. “Welcome little Anny to the Xterminators.”

~End of Flashback~

It was horrible and I wish I would have done something. I regret it every day. I snapped back to reality when I heard X talk.

“Well I believe it is your turn.”

Soon enough Mikey and Fred started punching me and kicking me. After a while they stopped and X kneeled down to me.

“How do you like my sloppy seconds?”

He laughed and soon left leaving me on the ground.

I was too weak to move.

I stayed there.

I just hope Annabeth was ok. 


hey guys this is another filler as too how Annabeth was "forced" to join this gang. please don't hate me. also how do you like Custodio's P.O.V.? I might be doing more who knows? :)

I finally found someone who can play X. hope you like him ;)

What will happen to Custodio? What will happen with Annabeth? What will X do next? Well my friends you'll have to find out next time ;)

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